The wanted life

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I walked up to her house in my work suit and knocked on the door slowly. My hands were in my pockets as I stood up straight waiting for the door to be opened.

A small figure approached the door and one of the maids gave me a polite smile as she opened the door.

"You must be Sir.Maui." her voice was like Gretta's. Full of life and rich with  emotion.

"That'll be me yes. Call me Maui please." She slightly nodded and made way for me to come into the house. I stepped in and the smell of lavender filled nose. The house was beautiful. Bigger than mine that's for sure. Mine has more of a tropical, exotic touch to it. Theirs is more elegant and screams *I'm stinking rich*. A chandelier hung over my head and the swirling flight of stairs that stood in front of me, made me slightly nauseous.

" miss Blairmore will join you shortly sir. Do you want to wait in the drawing room?"

"Yes thank you very much." She led me into a very spacious room. It was elegant and classy, they even had a library. I took my time looking around while waiting for Christelle. I have to admit. These people have style.

A small picture frame of a married couple and a child sat on a small coffee table in the middle of the room. I picked it up and instantly knew that it was Christelle and her full family portrait. She looked exactly like her mother.

I smiled to myself.

" she's certainly beautiful, that's for sure." A feminine voice said from behind. I turned and found Christelle standing there.

"Trust me. You're even more beautiful." I said as my eyes scanned her body.

Her sky blue, skin tight dress was as always knee length and her lips were glossy. Her make up was dark blue around the eyes but faded as it covered more surface turning into a pale blue colour with sparkles. Her cheeks were naturally flushed. Her lips parted and I let out a breath that I didn't know that I was holding.

Her hair was in a high ponytail, making her eyes more sharper at the corner. She was indeed gorgeous.

"You okay there?" She asked teasingly. I smirked and focused my gaze on her eyes.

"Very, thanks for asking." She blushed as my voice came out enticing.

"Shall we go?" She asked and I walked up to her and placed my hand on the small of her back.

"Lead the way" and with that we made our way to my car and we drove to the Chinese place she was  talking about. To my surprise it wasn't a restaurant. It was a small bistro. And to be fair, we weren't appropriately dressed for a bistro.

As we got inside, the tranquil atmosphere caught me off guard. I expected it to be loud and full of activity, but it was civil and inviting. I looked at her with suspicious eyes.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover Sir Maui." She playfully led me to a table and I took out my phone. I clicked on the email and debated on Wether I should show her now or not. I came to the conclusion that I'd show her later.

We made small talk and laughed a little before we got our food. The conversation was still ongoing afterwards as well.

She was extremely beautiful and I would sometimes just look at her and block out everyone, and focus on her. Her laugh was like a song. Her attitude was golden. Everything just seems like a movie with her. There's always something to talk about. Always something to laugh about. And always something to look at. I forget about my own existence when I look at her too at times, which is abnormal. Because their entire existence is based on what demi God's such as I, do.

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