This Is My story. Let Me Tell It And Show it

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I sat next to my bed and watched Gretta carefully as she healed my Christelle. It was a hard fall. She hit her head pretty hard but it wasn't any serious case.

At least that's what Gretta said when we were driving towards my house in haste with me holding Christelle and crying my eyes out.

I wanted to take her to the hospital but it was 3 hours away. And there was no way i was going to sit in the backseat with her in my arms not knowing if she was going to make it or not.

Gretta stood at the feet of the bed and started humming to the Gods. The Gods were the least of my problem  right now so i ignored her humming and fixated my eyes onto Christelle.

She was still and her breathing were even. She didn't look scared like she was.

My mind went back to when she was scared. Scared of ME. it's all my fault. She fell because of me. She almst died because of me. All because i kept this one little secret from her. ONE LOUSY SECRET.

"Blaming yourself won't wake her up." Gretta said softly glancing at me.

"It's my fault." I said as i leaned my head into my hands.

"Listen to me" she walked over and knelt in front of me.

"Blaming yourself won't bring her back. I need you to stay by her side until she wakes up while i go get some traditional medecine from the country side to give it to her when she wakes up. Okay?" She cupped my cheek and i nodded.

She's right. Feeling sorry for myself amd blaming myself won't bring her back. But i cannot help it. I didn't tell her and she had to find out in that way. What kind of Demi God am i if i cannot even protect the ones i love or even tell them the truth.

Gretta woke up and kissed my forehead. She left hurriedly and i was left with Christelle.

I thought about moving next to her and caress her but was afraid that something bad would happen.

I tapped my foot being inpatient and woke up with a big sigh and walked to the window.

You're such an idiot. You don't deserve her. Did you see the way she looked at you? You scared her. You don't belong with her.

I felt tears stream down my face. I've never cried for a girl before. I always drink my problems off, but to cry. That was not me. Not manly. Not Maui.

I thought back to the time i was with Moana. The girl i thought was my match. But considering that the Gods did not grant her immortality, it made me realize that she wasn't my soul mate.

I loved her.

But with Christelle....

Oh my Christelle. When i'm with her everything just falls into place. Immortality does not matter. She fills me completely. I can't breathe when i see her. Everything is just so vivid. I never know what's coming next. With Moana it was black and white. I knew that i wanted this from her. I knew she loved me and that we would be happy together. But it always felt like it was a routine.

Wake up.
Kiss her.
Hug her.
Be wild.
Get in trouble.
And repeat.

Don't get me wrong. I love moana. But it's just....

with Christelle it's different.

Everything is so unpredictable.

I sighed loudly as the tears became more heavy.

She almost died because of me. ME. MAUI.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Maui" i heard her murmur. I jumped and looked over at her and her face wrinkled in pain. She was waking up amd she called me.

Maui's SecretWhere stories live. Discover now