The Chaos Theory.

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"Carrots" I murmured to myself as I worked the kitchen. The kitchen had a steamy atmosphere to it and the maids lingered the area to see what I was upto. I could sense their laughter.

Cooking?  How hard can it be.

I remembered myself saying that to Gretta and the cooks after I strolled into the kitchen and refused their offers of them helping me with the preparations.

I sighed. Not because I was tired,but because the kitchen felt as if it was 110 degrees. Beads of sweat covered my forehead and rolled down my cheeks.

In my head I was gonna make her lasagne. It appeared as a cheesy, well oven cooked,and steamy dish in my head,but the one that sat before me in real life right now, looked like one of those meal that just exploded in the microwave..  The sink was full with dirty dishes and the counter top looked like a bazaar stand.

I heard giggling in the doorway and two maids stood there, and eyed my 'lasagne'.

"Do you need help there sir Maui?" Anita smirked at me. I glanced at her in annoyance.

"No I'm fine, thank you Anita. Run along now." 

"Are you gonna serve that?" Jamielle piped in. She was the other individual that stood next to Anita.

I opened and closed my mouth and decided to give my dish a second look and I bowed my head in defeat.

"Didn't I give you ladies the night off?!" I said not lifting my head up.

"You did. But we just saw this coming." Jamielle's tone was a matter of factly one.

"Have I ever fired anyone of you before?" I asked squinting my eyes at them as I contemplated. They both laughed and Gretta waltzed in.


"Alright ladies. Go home. You'll  have a free schedule tomorrow if you leave as fast as possible." Gretta chimed.

"Trust me. Free or not, we're  still gonna pop up to see how things went." They smirked and left me with a smiling Gretta.

"If you think I'm here to offer you some help then surely you're mistaken."

"Then........" I drawled asking her to get to the point.

"I'm here to tell you that you only have 6 minutes to get ready before she comes here. " her smile widened at my now bulging eyes.

How long have I been cooking??

I checked the clock.

"You can look at it all you want, not even a demi God can reverse time." Her smile transformed into a grin. I took the apron off and ran upstairs.

I haven't even picked out my clothes yet. Let alone the fact that I haven't even showered.

I quickly ran through my closet took out a pair of pants with a white dress shirt that usually went under my work suit. I grabbed a tie and quickly dressed.

I ran back down the stairs only to be met by Gretta who had a look of horror on her face.

"What happened?" I asked worryingly as I came near her.

"Disgusting." She said as she looked at me.

"What??" I was clearly confused.

"Go take a proper shower and tame that hair of yours. You look like a caveman." I blinked.

"NOW!!"  She ordered. I opened my mouth to argue but was cut off by the doorbell.

"Oh sweet sea divine." I said under my breath.

"Go get properly ready and we'll take care of her. Trust me. Now go" I took a deep breath and forcibly turned my back to her and ran up the stairs.

" Do not embarrass me Gretta" was the last thing I said before I closed my bedroom door.

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