troubled emotions

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I woke up especially early the next day just to clear my head. I soared up into the morning sky as an eagle and landed gracefully somewhere in the woods. I shifted into my human form and started running. Next thing I knew I was in jaguar form.

Then tiger.


And finally back to human.
I took heavy steps towards the beach and just laid there.sprawled.  feeling Completely useless. Any passer by would have thought that I was making an angel in the sand. Thankfully. This place was isolated. Tranquil.

Out of the blue,a feeling of excitement filled my body as I thought of Christelle.

The way she laughed and giggled. And all those stuff.

But wait a minute!

If she's 17. That means she's still in school. College perhaps. I mentally started to think of the many colleges that was found in her area and wondered if she went there. But her father is a superior man. Maybe she's home schooled. Doesn't want her to get mixed with the wrong crowd.

Enough Maui.

I was having a real debate in my head and I was obviously losing.
I shouldn't be dwelling on petty feelings.

A song crossed my mind and I started humming it softly ,distracting myself.

I see what's happening here. You're face to face with greater and the strange. You don't even know how you feel. It's adorable. nice to know that humans never change.

I sighed.

Humans will always have a way to crawl into your heart and make a mess of things.

I rose up to my feet and closed my eyes. Feeling the ocean's breeze run  through my hair. I inhaled the salty air and controlled my breathing. I extended my hands and it began to shake. Thick brown feathers covered my hands and it ran across my body. My face shook slightly and I felt my mouth change its shape. When the transformation was complete I darted into the air as an eagle and glided expertly to the heavens.

I landed in elegance on the deck,that was built in my backyard and was used by Gretta and the maids to do their morning yoga.

At the moment they were stretching. Probably getting ready. And Gretta was unfolding the mats. When they noticed my presence they all, but Gretta stopped to look at me as I shifted back to human.

"Hello ladies."  Some of them blushed,the others smiled and some even giggled.

"Good Morning Sir" they slightly bowed their heads towards me. They kept looking at me and spoke silently among themselves , sparing me little glances of amusements.

"Alright girls. Get into position" Gretta shouted as she walked next to me. She stood close enough to keep the others from hearing our conversation.

"They are forever filled with petty emotions." She said with a distaste tone.

"There there,no need to be vile. They are young girls after all" she pouted and that instantly made me feel uncomfortable. I cleared my throat.

"What's my schedule for the day Ma'am?!" I asked Changing the subject.

"You're cleared for the day. Unless you decide otherwise." deciding otherwise for her meant , me clubing and getting drunk.

"Not today Gretta. I think I'll take advantage of my free schedule to sort out tomorrow's session with Mr . Blairmore. " the smile that crossed her face was pure satisfaction.

"Well then. I won't get in the way. If you need me I'll be around." With a soft pat on my back she turned to the maids that were now assembled in front of us. I slipped through the small crowd and made my way to my bedroom.

I sighed deeply. Anticipation was eating me alive. I was too eager for tomorrow to start.

the anticipation of a shot is worse than the pain of the stick.

Gretta's motto. She taught me this when I was nothing but a toddler. And I never understood the meaning of It up until today.

I grabbed a pillow and smashed it against my face.

I feel like I'm under a spell.

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