The unpredictably predictable Future

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The feeling of him shifting behind me earlier was amazing. My heart beat increased and my body swayed back and forth looking for some support. But the best part about it was, was the  emotions that came with. The way i felt cares for and protected. The way he made me felt so superior. I don't know why, but i did.

I was sitting at the edge of Maui's bed and watched Gretta waltz in with two glasses of red wine.

"Oh no Gretta, you shouldn't have" i said modestly as she placed it on the cupboard.

"Don't worry about this child, it's my job." She smiled and handed me a glass. I gladly took it and thanked her.

"Plus this one's mine" she said grabbing the glass thirstily, and licking her lips.

I laughed.


"So have you seen all of Maui's assets?" She asked while taking a seat next to me.

"Yeah, i saw both the cherry tree with the roses and the hook.. oh the hook was a sight to behold" i gleamed.

She laughed heartily at my enthusiasm.

"And i suppose you know the history too?"

I nodded and took a sip.

"Of course you do child, you should know everything by now, how long has it been since you knew about all this?"  She tilted her head back and thought for a while.

"Uh..." i said thinking outloud.

"Four weeks now?" I said still contemplating.

She smiled and turned to look at me. I smiled back.

"You love him don't you?" Her question was obviously rhetorical but i answered anyway.

"So much" i whispered against the cup against my lips.

She smiled and looked down at her cup for a split second.

" I was a simple Demi God when i was young. I had no special healing abilities, i just had the blood of the Gods in me." I turned to her in surprise as she spoke.

"What happened?" I asked intrigued as to what actually happened.

"I was seen worthy in the eyes of the Gods and Goddesses..i had beauty, perseverance, strength and wisdom."

Her eyes flashed with happiness as i saw her recall her past.

" and overtime i was blessed with another gift." She said vaguely and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"What kind of gift?" She smiled and glanced at me.

" i can see the beauty of the future" i wrinkled my forehead and turned my body fully to her.

"Wait what?"

"I have the gift of being able to unravel the mysteries of the future" she repeated with humor. Clearly enjoying my stunned features.

"You can see the future? You're psychic?" I asked leaning closer to her and hearing my heart beat out of excitement of this news.

That means i can ask her if me and Maui are gonna be together forever.

She shot me a look that told me to stop thinking such thoughts.

"I never reveal what i see to him or to any other being apart from my Goddess of Teffiti." She said standing up and looking down on me. I bit my lip .

"Why don' t you tell him?" I asked.

"My child. Though i possess such gift, it comes with a price. It can change the course of his life and damage it. So i say nothing.I am tell you this because you know little about me and i owe you this much" She said.

I tensed.

In my head i wanted to dance and sing because this woman can see the future. MY future. OUR future. And even though what i'm about would be rejected on sight. I still wanted to give it a shot.

"Can you tell me about me and Maui please?" The words tumbled out of my mouth as i inhaled sharply. Her featured softened.

"Gretta, please" i begged her while i stood up and took her hand, squeezing it.

"My dear Christelle, do you know what the beauty of life is? It's the fact that it is unpredictable. The fact that one simple thing can have a huge impact. One look can change one's life. But if we know what is to happen, what thrill would we get from it?"

"If i know what will become of me and him i would find closure" i pleaded.

"Don't be decieved. Sometimes it's best if we never know what is coming." I sighed in defeat as i sat back down and looked down. She knelt before me.

"Think of it as a story" she said and i kept my eyes glued to the floor.

She slowly lifted her hand and lifted my head up slowly.

"You read on because you want to know more. If you know the story's ending beforehand then you are going to allow yourself to skip many pages thinking it won't change the story's ending. It may not. But if you go through every page, you will experience certain emotions. Meaning each page creates the climax of the story, giving the story the perfect ending and making the book a well written one."

"Are you saying that the story of my life would be better if i go through it blindly than with an open eye?" I asked as i got a bit frustrated. Why won't she tell me what i wanted to hear?.

"Christelle, Dreams and hopes and aspirations are our eyes. They lead us. We were made to be blind. But we were given things to walk with. Such as love, perseverance and courage."

I sighed in defeat knowing she was right.

What good will it do if i know my future. If it turns out to be bad i would walk away without realizing that i can fix the issues along the way.

And if it's good, i might turn a blind eye towards the problems we were face thinking it'll be all sunshine.

She came closer to me and caressed my hair.

"Tell me the vows that are exchanged during a holy matrimonial ceremony" Gretta continued.

She cupped my cheeks.

I held her wrist and whispered.

"I promise to stay with you,
In sickness and in health
For richer for poor
For better or for worse"

I recited each word with rich emotion knowing what she was trying to imply.

Each sentence were powerful.

"Make a beautiful ending with him. Go through the darkest pages of your story and walk through the happiest ones. The future can be unpredictably predictable after all."

She walked to the door and opened it gently. As soon as she was about to close i called out to her.

"Gretta?!" She turned to me.


"So what am i destined for?" I asked linking this whole conversation back to the main point.

She smiled.

"To Love him" she whispered and my heart tightened.

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