Yes With an R

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I must have fallen asleep after my conversation with Gretta because it was now early in the morning.

I stretched my legs and arched my body against the bed, trying to get the stiffness out of the way. I ran my hands under the sheets in hopes that i would i feel Maui next to me.


The bed seemed cold.

Did he even come to bed last night?
Where was he?
Wait! What time did he even come back?

My mind started racing as to why he wasn't next to me.

It annoyed me.

It felt weird not waking up to him. I felt deserted. Empty.

I quickly woke up from the bed and remained seated.

I checked around the room to see if he was around.


Where was he?

I ran my fingers through my hair and hissed in pain when my hair got entangled in something on one of my fingers.

What the hell?

I carefully took my hand out and held it in front of me.

"OH MY GOODNESS" i said as my eyes widened in utter shock.

I opened my mouth and a sob escpaed me.

"MAUI" i breathed out and my vision blurred with tears, making the ring on my finger impossible to see.

He gave me a RING.


I wanted to shout. Scream. Dance. Cry. Jump..i didn't know what to do first. I couldn't think properly. I was too energetic. Too happy. Too emotional.

I was literally shaking.

He slipped the ring on my finger. And i didn't feel it because i'm a heavy sleeper.

This was so romantic and frustrated at the same time. I didn't see it happen. I didn't see his face when he slipped the ring on my finger.


Why couldn't he have waited until i was awake.

I bet i was drooling.

I hurriedly touched the corners of my mouth to check if i did actually drool and dropped my hands from my mouth after realizing that i didn't.

I was partly satisfied.

I sighed i relief and placed my focus once more on the ring.

"I've been waiting day and night, months and weeks for someone like you christelle." My head snapped towards the door and my one true love stood at the door, shirtless and arms crossed.

Staring at me. Observing my every move.

"Maui this is beautiful" i said raising my hands towards him.

"It's not even near your perfection my lovely" he half whispered.

I immediatly woke up from my seat amd ran to him. He opened his arms and circled my waist pulling me into a breathless kiss.

I cried against his lips.

"I love you"i whispered.

"Is that a yes?" He whispered against my lips.

"The ring fits doesn't it?!" i laughed as more tears streamed down my face.

He chuckled.

"I love you " and i wrapped my legs around his thighs and allowed him to carry me back onto the bed.

"You are everything to me" he said between our kiss.

"You're my life Maui" i replied back.

"Oh christelle" he pulled me closer to him and climbed on top of me, kissing me like the world was going to end. I was breathless. Speechless. Astounded. Happy.

I felt like the happiest girl in the whole galaxy.

He is mine.

I am his.

"You still haven't answered my question yet Christelle" he whispered harshly.

I took my time answering and ran my hands along his chest.

"Yes" i hissed like a snake and laughed when he shouted 'Yes' with delight.

"SHE SAID YES!!!!!" I laughed again and kissed him slowly.

"you're gonna be mine by the end of the year Christelle" his smirk was evil as he spoke silently in my ears. Teasing me. Tasting me. I melted under his touch.

"I can't wait" i said almost breathlessly.

After a few moments i felt a sudden burst of sadness overwhelm me and my eyes began to water like crazy up to the point that i couldn't see and couldn't breath.

I started sobbing.

"No no no" he said pulling away from me and taking me into his arms.

"Why are crying baby?" His voice held fear and confusion. He was doubting this already.

He shouldn't.

I shook my head to show him it's not his fault and spoke inbetween sobs

"I didn't see you put the ring on" i leaned my forehead into him and he kissed it.

"I'm sorry baby, i shouldn't have -"

"NO!!" i shouted in defence

"No it's perfect. But i want to see you slip the ring onto my finger." I smiled a bit and cupped his cheeks.

He took my hand and slowly. And i do mean slowly and placed it in front of him. He looked into my eyes and love blazed through it.

He was so handsome. His eyes held Adoration and need. He gulped visibly as he held my hand infront of him and slowly slid the ring off.

I know what he was doing wasn't a bad thing, but my heart died when he took the ring off. I felt a piece of me die and i felt lost.

He seemed to be feeling the same too because he started shaking. His lips pressed into a thin line and his forehead wrinkled. 

I smiled sincerely at him and he raised my hand to his mouth and kissed it. He kissed my finger and the palm of my hand.

"Christelle Blairmore. Only you can love me as violently as i love you. Only you can allow me total control over your body. I don't need anyone else but you. I don't feel right when you're not in my bed or when i haven't seen you for a day. Nothing makes sense without you."

He gulped amd i started crying.

Oh my gosh, he's perfect.

"Can you make me the happiest man alive. And be my WIFE?" My heart skipped a beat and my body shook even more. I couldn't control the tears.

"Yes. Yes. A million times yes. A GIZZILLION TIMES YES!!!!!!!" i shouted as i watched him slide the ring onto my finger making me whole again. Restoring my heart and finding me once more.  I squealed in happiness and cried.  He kissed the top of my forehead and pulled me into him.

"I love you so so much" he said half sobbing.

I laughed at his tone.

"I love you more"

I am ready to give everything to this man. I already gave him what i had left. Now all i have to do is give him what i have left. I need him. And i have him. I am so lucky.  I am blessed.  I am loved. Who is the man of my dreams? Who is the love of my life?

"Maui" i whispered his name outloud.
And only MAUI.

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