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I showed Gretta the ring the next day after Christelle left with her mum and her bridesmaids. She examined the ring carefully and her features relaxed into a smile as she handed the ring back to me.

"What do they mean? It's the first time I've ever seen such engravings. It goes beyond my knowledge"

"What are you saying?!" She raised an eyebrow at me and looked at me from under her glasses.

"That I'm ancient old?!" I didn't know if she was kidding or not but I didn't want to lie as well, so I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck and replied.

"Don't twist my words" she smiled and my body unexpectedly relaxed it's tensed muscles.

The way that woman can make you feel so uncomfortable with her humor is just incredible and I wish it upon no human soul.

"It's artificial Latin my boy" I leaned forward.

"Like it was made up?" She nodded.

"Although if you think of it. All languages are made up, but this one was specifically created by the Gods and Goddesses for themselves."

"But why would they create and artificial language?"

"Because Maui, all the humans in this world have adapted themselves to the Language of the Greek, Latin, and even the universal language- English"

"How?" I leaves forward even more of that was possible and sat myself on the kitchen stool when I realised that leaning furthermore would mean me being quite uncomfortable.

"Through incarnation of the Gods, like you and your parents. They introduced the languages to the humans and so they all speak it"

"So now the Gods wants to create a language of their own? Because they owe it to themselves?"


"So How am to understand what it says if it's between them?" She raised another eyebrow and gave me an obvious look.

"You're a demi-GOD Maui, it's in your blood to automatically decipher the engravings. If not, then they'll expose the meaning to you themselves"

"And when will that be? If you haven't noticed The Gods have their own time of doing things. And by own time I mean lateness is their motto, look how long they took to send Moana for me when I was stuck on that Island" pain shot through the back of my head when I realised that she had smacked the back of my head. Hard.

"Respect their time. They do things when they see fit." I winced In pain and rubbed my head, not knowing where the pain was exactly.

"Plus you deserved that 200 year desolation. Tefitti should have smacked you right back on it when you came to your senses" She said while waking up from her seat chuckling silently and she took a bag of ice from the freezer to rub the spot.

"How come you find it difficult to decipher it?" I asked while holding on to the bag of ice. She was standing behind me, pressing it against my head.

"Who was it given to?" Her voice gentle.

"Me. Meaning only I could do it"

"Yes" we stayed in complete silence for a while, and I thought about he ring and what could it mean.

What if it's granting Christelle immortality? I mean they did accept her. So that's a good step-in the right direction.

Shut it Maui. I scolded myself as i realized that the things me and Christelle had been through were due to those same thoughts. It doesn't matter if she isn't immortal. She's here and forever will be in my heart.

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