Bad Karma's a Bitch.

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" I have to admit. I can't keep my eyes off your body." She said as she stood next to me.

"You do realise I'm the one who's supposed to say that. Right?" I said while I furrowed my eyebrows. She smirked.

" what can you say now? " she asked enticingly.

"You're asking for trouble in that dress you know that. You look so appealing and sexy." I said in a half whisper. She blushed and ran her hands through her hair.

" good thing I'm going have you all by myself tonight." She blushed even more.

" But just to be clear. I am more good looking than you. I mean, look at me. The hair. The BOD." I fixed my suit on me to make it tight around the chest area. She bit her lip.

" you just had to ruin it didn't you" she said in a flat tone. I laughed at her expression.

" How does it feel to be 18?" I asked as more people gathered around us. Didn't want then over hearing our private conversations.

" it's going great" she said evilly. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I got a motorcycle from my uncle." She said teasingly.

My eyes widened in shock.

" A motorcycle? Are you insane.?" I said in surprise. She kept on smirking.

"Trust me Sir Maui she's not going anywhere near that death mechanism" Her mother appeared and stood next to her. My cleared my throat and fixed my posture.

I knew why she knew my name. Word was already beginning to spread around that I was gonna be her mentor.

She chuckled.

"No need to fix anything. You look incredibly built and perfect." Christelle rolled her eyes at her mother's comment and I smirked.

" I don't even try" I said going with her flow.  She laughed.

" my name's Christelle Stanley."  It took me by surprise when her name was identical to her daughter's. But it was more surprising when she took me in a friendly embrace instead of a handshake.

She picked up on my shock.

"Yes I named my daughter after me, and I'm not a big handshaker. I leave that for business. For informal enquiries, I prefer a good hug." She smiled and her eyes sparkled with amusement.

" Stanley?" I repeated in question.

" yup. I'm happily divorced." She said smiling and took a sip of her champagne. Christelle rolled her eyes at her mother's playfulness and she chuckled when her mum gave her a quick kiss on the cheek out of nowhere.  They were the perfect figure of mother daughter love.

" So I heard that you're taking my daughter Christelle out tonight" my eyes widened as I stared at her dumbfounded.

How does she know?

What just happened?

She laughed at my expression.

"Mum" Christelle said embarrassingly.

" oh come on now. I couldn't hold it in" she said happily.

"You told her?" I asked rather surprised.

"She's my most trusted advisor Maui. Of course I did" she smiled and stood next to me.

"Don't worry, no one else knows. Even though I know you wished that they did." Her mother said in empathy. Christelle looked at me with a smile full of adoration.

" I know everything about my daughter, I know she drinks, she goes clubbing and she met you at a club. And honestly I don't allow her to date any guy. At all. Especially those eho drink, do clubbing and all sorts. But after seeing her being distant and saw her contentment while she spoke about you,  I decided to give you a shot." She half whispered.

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