Broken Gaydar

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We arrived at our Rehearsal venue and the building was quite grand. It looked like a hotel from the outside. The inside was red with golden decorations. Thankfully this was the main room and not the room where the service was to be held.

A tall, lanky man came our way with a french bonnet on his head. He had a weird moustache and striped clothing. His jeans were so tight that you could see the outline of his crotch.He was genuinely your typical French man. All he needed was a paint brush and a cigarette in his hand to look like one of those guys in humorous French paintings.

" Ah salut Madame et Monsieur. I am Jean-paul Poirrot" he took Christelle's hand and gave it a small kiss and proceeded to take mine as well to do the same. I hurriedly extended my hand to give him a handshake before he could do so. His eyes darted all over my body and a small smirk danced on his lips. I raised a brow at him and he bit his tongue in a seductive manner.

I cleared my throat and looked at Christelle who noticed as well and was hiding a smile.

"La salle is ready for your eyes to feast on." He said pointing to the hall that we were gonna use for the reception. He took the lead and directed us inside.

"Did you see what just happened?" I whispered to Christelle and she giggled.

"Aww what you're afraid he might make a move on you babe" her tone teasing.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?"

"Can you blame me?" She giggled once more.

"Now this is where you'll be seated Sir Maui and your beautiful maiden will be seated on your right." He carefully placed a hand on Christelle's small of her back and led her to her chair.

"Comfy mademoiselle?" He asked and Christelle smiled with delight.

"More than comfortable Poirrot." She looked at me and smirked.

"Are you comfortable Maui?" I raised a brow at her for I knew what she was doing.

"Yes. Very" my tone flat. She was really enjoying this wasn't she.

" Now you Sir" he came towards me.

"When the guests will arrive you will be positioned at the door for the pictures" he placed his hands on the small of my back but lazily allowed it to drop down. I jumped a little and turned to him.

"I think I got it" I said walking towards the door and stood there for a split second before walking back to where Christelle was.

He kept his eyes on me the whole time  and he made his smirk quite evident.

"Now" he said loudly as if snapping himself from a trance.

" the cake will be the centre and the centrepieces will be la mademoiselle's favourite flower. White roses. Of course we made a check list of people who were allergic to the roses so we decided to adorn their tables with le monsieur's favourite flower. Daffodils.

"Thank you. Everything just looks amazing. You are indeed the best wedding planner. " Christelle praised.

"Ah you give me too much credit. Some of it goes to my wife"

I suddenly choked on my own saliva.

He had a WIFE?

"Is le monsieur okay?" He asked casually.

"Oh he is splendid" her tone teasing and toying.

"Fabulous" he clapped his hands and walked off, all the while explaining the arrangements.

"He has a wife and yet finds me luscious?" I whispered once more into her ears while we walked behind him.

"It's called being bi" she playfully responded.

"Did he know that before or after he got married?!" I whispered back and she rolled her eyes.

"Or he loved her more and didn't care about his sexuality when he asked for her hand."

"Can that even happen?" I asked all confused. She turned to me with a confuse look.

"Baby have you ever encountered someone with a different sexual orientation?" Her tone was serious and intrigued at the same time.

I thought about it for a few moments.

"Not really no" I confirmed and her face held disbelief.

"NEVER?" She shouted out loud.

"Shhhhh" I said while making gestures with my hand to tell her to keep it down.

"Oh sorry "she looked around to see if Poirrot had heard us.

"never?" She repeated.

"No" I casually answered.

"Maui a quarter of the guys in your company are gays"

"They are? Who?" I was utterly shocked right now.

"Wow" she slurred.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Baby you're Gaydar's broken."

"No it's not"

"Yes it is. Very broken" she whispered with humor.

"Hey just because I don't care to learn about my employees sexuality does not make me clueless about these things. It simply means that I am an accepting boss." I said in a matter of fact tone. She raised a playful brow at me and crossed her arms.

" that's you're excuse?" She bit down a laugh and I rolled my eyes.

"It's not an excuse."

"Uhuh okay, if you say so babe, if you say so" her tone was teasing. I could tell she was laughing at me from the inside.

"Accepting boss" she laughed out and I rolled my eyes so hard I swear I thought I saw my brain and it's nerves.

"Is everything okay" Poirrot said as he walked to us.

"Splendid" I said placing more emphasis on the ds

"Let's get to this then" his smile vibrant.

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