Chapter 6

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2 weeks later

Connor invited me to Digitour with them! I didn't do videos on YouTube, but I had a somewhat famous blog. And I was Connors sister, so I was basically famous because of that.

All of O2L had been so nice to me lately. Not even picking on me. Like, I was sitting on the couch the other day with Ricky and Kian watching a movie. Just us three. And it was so much fun.

Sam and I had hung out a lot in the past 2 weeks. But we still weren't dating. We kissed and stuff, but it wasn't official.

He's slept with me. Not sex. Just like actually hanging out all day, then we fall asleep together.


"Kylie!! Get your shit downstairs!" Connor yelled. I finished packing a ran downstairs to meet everyone.

"Are you ready yet?" Sam asked grabbing my bag.

I replied yes and we headed outside to put my bags in the car. After everything was all packed up, we were on our way to the airport, heading to New York City.


The plane ride was really fun, I sat next to Sam and I was next to the window. This plane only had two seats next to eachother instead of a row of three, which was amazing.

Sam and I were talking and joking around the whole time and after about three hours on the plane, with about five hours left, Sam looked over at me.

"So before we get to New York, I wanted to ask you something..." Sam said looking at me. I took my headphones out and turned to him. I had my knees up and bent at my chest so it was a little bit of a struggle to turn to him.

"Yeah?" I said with a slight laugh.

"Kylie Franta, will you go out with me." Sam asked.


I wanted to say yes, but I didn't have any words to say. Instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him.


I snuggled with sam pretty much the rest of the time we were on the plane.

"Ky... Kylie..." Sam whispered into my ear. I groaned and nuzzled my head into his chest.

"Kylie, we landed. You have to get up." Sam said pulling me up and grabbing our bags. I took mine from him and we continued to walk off the plane.


After riding a plane into NYC, then taking a taxi to the hotel we were staying in, we all got our rooms and put our things away.

"I need starbucks, now." I heard a girls voice say behind me. NO NOOOO WAYYY.

I quickly turned around to see Andrea Fricken Russet. SHE WAS MY BEST FRIEND.

"ANDREAAAA!!!" I screamed as I threw my arms around her. Its been awhile, I dont know where she was though...

"Kylieeeee babbbyyyyy!" Andrea said back to me. "Girl, we are sharing a room with Sam and Kian." She said gesturing me to grab my bag. "Finally, maybe kian will ask me out.." Andrea said and we both laughed.

After we put our bags on our bed and started heading to the elevator to meet the boys in the lobby, I stopped.

"Andrea I forgot to tell you..." I said looking over at her. "Sam asked me out on the plane. And I said yes." I said as I started to walk again.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" Andrea yelled as she ran toawrds me. "Now im alone.. thanks man..." She added, then we got on the elevator and headed to Starbucks.

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