Chapter 22

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I looked up into his soft brown eyes, as he looked down into mine. His warms hands were gently placed on my hips, with a slight grip pulling me towards him. I glanced down at his soft pink lips, as he copied my move. We tilted our heads and slowly, but gradually, made our way to each others lips. Just as out lips touched, about as light as a feather dropping on a still lake, RICKY shouted at us.

"Awesome guys! Kylie I'll let you know if you need to be in any more scenes. Justin were almost done with this."

Justin let go of my hips and we both pulled away from each other. Justin gave me a little smile and walked off.

I grabbed my phone off the table as I made my way to Sam sitting on the bench on the other side of the pool.

"Hey babe!" I said as I sat down on his lap

"Hey." He said, just barely accepting the kiss I just gave him.

"Oh my god... You're jealous aren't you!" I said with a laugh. "Sammyyyyy don't be jealous!" I added.

"I'm not jealous." Sam said putting his arms around my waist. "I'm just upset Ricky made you almost kiss him." Sam added.

"Like I said... Jealous!" I said kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna shower I'm all sweaty." I added as I got up off his lap.

"Orrrrr you can do this!" I heard Sam shout from behind me. Before I could even turn around, Sam grabbed me and jumped in he pool taking me with him.

I screamed as a plunged into the semi warm water, but then my scream turned into bubbles. I quickly bounced up, and wiped the wet hair that clung to my face away.

"YAAAASSSS!" I heard RICKY shout as I swam to the stairs. "I got that on camera!" He added with a laugh. Awesome, me being shoved into a pool on camera.

I got out of the pool and stripped my clothes off. I only left on my bra and underwear and flipped everyone in the backyard off as I walked inside.


After I finished my shower, I put on a pair of pajama shorts and one of Connors tee shirts.

"Hey what's up?" I said as I walked into Connors room and sat on his bed.

"Just editing a video. When are you gonna start your videos?" Connor asked as he turned towards me.

"Well, considering last time I made a video, I got hit by a car..." I said laughing. "But maybe I'll start up again." I added as I jumped off his bed.

"Hmm what should my first real video be...?" I whispered to myself as I walked into my room.



ALRIGHT I'm doing other stories, and I might write a second book for this with Kylie being a youtuber or whatever.


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