Chapter 15

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3 days later

I woke up curled next to the boy I love. Honestly, I couldn't ask for anything more than him. He made me feel special. He made me feel wanted. He made me feel HIS.

I decided to let my boo sleep, like I always do, then headed to the kitchen to get some coffee.

"Hey ky! Let's have a girls day!" Acacia said coming out of nowhere.

Ummmmmmmmm ok.....

"Yeah sure. Why not." I said pouring the freshly brewed coffee into a mug.

"Awesome! It's just going to be us Jenn is doing something with JC." Acacia added pouring herself coffee.

There was something about her I didn't like, I don't know what it was though...


After getting our nails done and doing some shopping, we headed to a frozen yogurt place.

"So have you and Sam fucked yet?" Acacia asked not even looking up from her bowl.

"That's an awful question to start a conversation. But no we haven't." I said trying to keep calm. If she says anything about her doing it first, I'm flipping this table on her.

"Oh. I remember when I dated Sam... That's all he wanted to do.." She said looking up and giving me this look. "Sex is fun, and I wasn't going to decline him..." She added.

"Yeah I guess." I said with a laugh and giving her a smile. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick." I added as I got up and grabbed my phone.

To Sam💕: Dude. Would you be mad if I killed acacia.

From Sam💕: What happened?

To Sam💕: You know what? I'll be home later. I'm going for a walk.

From Sam💕: Kylie where are you going?

I didn't respond.

"You and your awful personality can share my yogurt." I said to Acacia as I left.


Around 6 hours later I got home. I went to a bunch of stores and binge bought clothes. I also went to a bar and used my fake id to get drunk.

"Kylie where the fuck have you been!?" Sam screamed running towards me.

Thank god I was a good drunk. I didn't do stupid things, or really slur my words.

"I went out and got stuff." I said pushing past him and carrying my bags of new clothes upstairs. I heard foot steps behind me, obviously it was Sam.

"What happened?" Sam asked sitting on the bed with me.


After I explained everything, and told him I know I over reacted, he was quiet.

He literally said nothing.

"Sam?" I said moving closer to him.

He still didn't talk.

I flipped on top of him, and started kissing along his jawline. And made my way down to his neck leaving a hickey.

His threw head was back, and let out a soft moan. I made my way back up to his lips and a full make out session broke out. It started slow and romantic, then got to the hair pulling and one person on top of the other.

We heard a knock on a door and stopped. I quickly jumped up, hopped to the door, and locked it, and made my way back to Sam.

I pulled his shirt off and kissed around his chest, then he grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it off. We kissed quicker, and harder now. We stood up and Sam slid off his jeans and lightly pushed me down on the bed.

I laid down and Sam got on top of me and kissed all the way down to my shorts, undid them, then pulled them off with his teeth.

Then everything was off, and the lights were out.

It was as romantic as it could be with me having a cast on my leg...

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