Chapter 20

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This. House. Was. Amazing.

Yep. Me and the o2l boys, excluding Connor and Trevor, we were at the new house everyone was moving into.

All the renovations were done and all we had to do was clean everything and move everything in.

Alright so we divided up the jobs.

I'm cleaning the rooms, moving everything in, filling the kitchen with food, and setting up the wii for the boys to play mariokart.

Fare enough?


Oh you thought I was kidding? Nope. I literally just cleaned 5 bedrooms, the kitchen, the living room, 3 bathrooms, and everything in between.

Yep. The guys were playing the wii and I was about to go shopping and I thought if something.

I'm gonna vlog! I've done it once, and I already have like 70,000 subscribers (because of my amazing boyfriend and brother).

After I pulled up to Ralph's, I pulled out my camera and started talking about everything that's going on.

Not the Acacia thing, or the reason why I didn't go to the wedding.


I finished shopping and I spent like $250 and got enough food to lay these boys a solid 24 hours. They devoured food like wolves.

I had to bring everything in by myself, and put everything away by myself. To be honest, I kind of liked doing this. I haven't done much in the past few weeks, so doing something was nice.


It took about a week to get all of our things into the house. So, Sam and I shared the big room with the connected bathroom. And everyone else got their own rooms.

Sam let me decorate the room! Good choice.

I got us a king sized water bed with a white, teal, and black bed spread. I also got a pullout couch, the flat screen from my room, and I put posters everywhere. I also decorated a corner of the room with fan art that was sent to Sam and I, and set up our lights and tripod.

It. Was. Perfect.

I also had to decorate Connors room, and I basically made it the same as his room at my house.

And I MADE everyone else do there own rooms. Which by the way didn't get half finished so I had to finish.

Time to relaxxxxxxx.

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