Chapter 9

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We had gotten home from the hostpital and I had a cast wrapped around my waist and went up to my shoulder. Yeah, its huge.

"How cute!" Kian shouted and running over to me fro the couch.

"Not funny Kian." I said pushing pass him.

"Someone's grouchy." He said with a small laugh

"Yeah. Where's Sam?" I asked flatly.

"No idea." Kian answered.

"What's wrong with him? I mean he got pissed at me for no fucking reason and shoved me off of him when I was talking to him. HE DISLOCATED MY SHOULDER AND NOW HE JUST LEAVES!?" I scream. "I'm..sorry.." I said to the wide eyes boys looking at me. I walked to my room and sat down.

To Sam: Where are you.

From Sam: Not like you care.

To Sam: Are you fucking kidding me? I don't care? Me out of everyone in this planet DOESNT CARE? Well I do. Sam I care a lot. And after staying with you from what happened in Hawaii, that shows I care. I love being with YOU. Sam I chose YOU. Theres millions of people I could have chosen, but I chose you. I could have left you in Hawaii, but I didn't. I've always chosen you.

From Sam: Well maybe you shouldn't have.

To Sam: what do you mean?

From Sam: I mean maybe we shouldn't be together.

My heart just broke. I felt every single shattered piece fall into my stomach.

To Sam: I guess.

I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to be hurt. I didn't want to feel anything.

I walked into my closet and sat on the ground. I grabbed a shoe box from the back corner of my closet and set it in my lap.

"I'm sorry." I said as I slowly opened the box and grabbed my blade.

I pulled off my shirt and lifted up my arm.

I took a deep breath and cut under my arm. I ran the blade hard across my arm 3 more times. I used the towel I had in the shoe box to stop the bleeding and I just sat there.

"Why did I just do that." I asked myself.

"Kylie?" Kian said opening the door to my room.

"Uh uh... One sec I'm changing!" I yelled. I put everything back in the box and returned it to my hiding spot and slipped on a swear shirt, and put on a pair of yoga pants.

"Hey." He said walking in after I said it was ok for him to enter.

"Hey." I said awkwardly holding up my arm and attempting to wipe the tears off my cheek. I just barely cried, but I guess enough to notice.

"Why are you crying?" Kian asked concerned as he sat down next to me.

"My shoulder just hurts." I said. I moved my arm that wasn't in a cast and I felt a hot stream of blood slide down my arm. I didn't have time to let it heal over before he came in.

"Do you need anything? Or anyone?" He asked with a wink. "I can call Sam over." He added.

"No." I quickly snapped.

"I know he wants to see you." Kian said trying to convince me Sam liked me.

"No. Sam and I are over." I said. I instantly regretted saying that.

"What?" Kian asked.

"Over. Through. Done." I shouted. "GET IT?!" I shouted again. "Kian I'm sorry but can you leave."

He nodded and left without a word.

Darlin' Im broken (sam pottorff fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat