Chapter 3

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"OH. MY. GOD." I said as I dropped my bags at the door and ran inside our beautiful hotel room in Hawaii. "SAM. DO YOU SEE THIS?" I shouted as I ran to the sliding glass door and opened it to feel a breeze of warm hair blow my hair off my neck. I walked out on to the balcony and scanned the beach and soaked in the beauty. Soon enough, Sam was next to me and hugging me lightly from behind.

"Let's go to the beach!" I shouted as I faced him. "Pleaseeeeeee!?" I pleaded, putting my hands on his waist.

"We've been here like 10 minutes..." Sam said with a laugh.

"OK. LETS GO!" I yelled running to my bags to find my swimsuit. I dug around before I saw my pink and white bikini.

I grabbed it before I headed in the bathroom to change, but almost fainted. It was gorgeous. The bathroom was my favorite place here. It was updated with a big shower with glass doors, a stained glass bowl sink, and just the most beautiful wall paper and floor tiles. I quickly changed and ran out to see Sam who was already changed.

Sam quickly ran over to me and scooped me up into his arms. He carried me to the elevator in a bridal hold before I jumped down and pressed the button for the main floor. I pushed Sam against the corner of the elevator and started kissing him. My hands were tangled in his hair when the elevator stopped and opened.

"I'll let you guys go down." An old lady said stepping back from the elevator. After the doors closed, Sam and I started laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh...gosh..." I said as we both exited the elevator and walked into the lobby. We continued walking as we smiled at the other guests we saw. As soon as I saw the beach I squealed and started jumping up and down. "LETS GO!" I screamed as I grabbed his hand and we ran down to the water. We dropped our clothes at a table and went into the crystal blue water.

Sam an I chased each other in the water, splashed each other, and body surfed. The sun had started setting by the time that we had gotten out of the water.

"Let's go get dinner." I said pulling on my over shirt. "Oooohhh let's go there!" I said pointing to some barbecue hut I saw in the distance.

After eating an amazing dinner and watching a traditional Hawaiian dance. We walked along the beach until it got too dark to see.

"Get dressed." Sam said pulling on a tee shirt. I just looked at him while I brushed my soaking wet hair I had just barely towel dried.

"Why?" I said pulling my hair dryer out of my bag. 

"We are going to a party tonight." Sam said locking his phone and tossing it on the king size bed in our room. 

"No. Nuh uh.. Nope im staying in tonight, I dont want to out on makeup, or even do my hair." I said plugging in the hair dryer and turned it on. I dried my hair slightly before i turned it off and tied my hair up into a messy bun. 

"Fineeeee!" Sam whined pulling you into a hug and kissed your forhead. You kissed his cheek before slipping from his grip and sitting on the bed. I picked up Sam's phone and unlocked it, then went on instagram. I held up the phone and took a selfie and captioned it "Hawaii with the bae. Comment want you want us to do for a video!" and posted it. Instantly your instagram notifications started blowing up. You read through most of the comments and they wanted us to do public pranks, boyfriend does my makeup, and get married. Well we can do two of those things. 

"Sammmmmmm come to beddddd!" I shouted as I climbed under the covers and plugged my phone into the charger I had by mt side of the bed. Sam came out of the bathroom and turned off the lights. I saw the outline of his body pull off his shirt and he was soon cuddled up next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Sam?" I said looking up at where his eyes would be. 

"Yeah?" He responded slowly caressing my hair.

"I love you. Like, a lot." I said with a smile, even though he couldnt see my expression because of the complete and total darkness. 

"I love you more than you could possibly imagine. Don't you ever think that I will stop loving you, because that day will never come. No matter what stupid things I've done in the past, or will do in the future, would make my feelings towards you grow weak." Sam said. 

Well I guess im crying myself to sleep tonight. That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my life. 

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