Chapter 14

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"Connnnooorrrrr!" I screamed. I felt my phone buzz on my leg and I looked down to see a text from Connor.

From Connor: No.


"What!?" He asked excitedly as he bolted into my room and sat on my bed.

"Loooook!" I said opening the tumblr post. "It's a kitty dancing to the o2l song!" I said laughing. "So what are you doing today?" I asked.

"I'm heading over to Tyler's to film a collab." He started. "Wait I should probably get going. Bye ky!" He said giving me a hug then leaving.

I walked downstairs to make coffee when I heard a knock on the door.

I opened the door and saw Sam standing there with tears filling his eyes.

"Sam what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"I didn't come to talk to you." Sam replied as a cheek slid down his rosy cheeks.

"Sam, tell me." I said stepping closer.

Sam broke out in tears and I walked out on the steps with him and closed the door behind me.

We sat on the steps together in silence. The only thing I heard was Sam's sniffles and our breathing. I didn't know what happened, but I could tell he didn't want to talk about it.

I lightly rubbed Sam's back as he cried into my sweater.

"Sam what happened?" I finally asked after sitting there for 20 minutes.

"Lizzie broke up with me." He said wiping his eyes.

"Awe Sam I'm so sorry." I said giving him another hug. "I guess that just proves she wasn't the right one." I said with a smile.

"Yeah I know she wasn't the one." He said. He had stopped crying, but his eyes were bloodshot. "But I know who is." He added.

"Who?" I asked.

"You. Kylie it's always been you. I've put you through hell, and being without you kills me. Lizzie made me feel better, but you complete me. Your laugh, your smile, and just how you do the things you do make me happy. I can't stand being without you. After I found out you moved, wanna know what I did? I moved out too. I felt like I couldn't be in that room without you. I couldn't stand not waking up and seeing your beautiful face. I cant stand that I don't have you. I'm absolutely in love with you. I'm the biggest jerk out there I know, I know you'll never take me back, but please know I love you. I'm in love with you. So head over heels in love with you. You don't even know what I would do without you." He said.


Darlin' Im broken (sam pottorff fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora