Chapter 2

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"So you're going to Hawaii with Sam..?" Connor asked as he handed me an AriZona and sat on my bed with me.

"Yeah! It's gonna be so much fun." I said opening my tea. "Why are you jealous you can't go or something." I asked sarcastically.

"No it's just Sam's kind of... a slut. Be careful." He said sounding serious. And just know this is Connor Franta we are talking about, he doesn't get serious.

"Connor, stop. I'm an adult now you don't need to baby me. Plus how the fuck can you call him a slut if he's been with ME for a year!" I said with a way more serious tone than I wanted. "Get out I need to finish packing we leave tomorrow." I added.


I had just finished packing my bag and brought it down to the car, and was ready to shower. It was a really long day today. We had done a full house cleaning because the boys had a bunch of youtubers over to make videos. And when I say we cleaned I mean me. Still the same even after a year.

"Hey Ky." Sam said coming up behind me and sliding his hands on my hips, then wrapping them around my waist. He started to kiss my neck, but it wasn't the right time so I pulled away.

"Sam I'm only wearing a towel.." I said leaning back on him and laughing. "We are going to the most beautiful place in earth tomorrow." I added.

"Yeah. But I'm going with the most beautiful girl on earth." He said kissing my cheek.

He. Was. The. Cutest.

"Can I get dressed or..." I said trying to pull away.

"What's the other option?" He asked giving me this grin.

"Either I get dressed, or I get dressed." I said with a laugh. He mumbled fine then released his grip. I headed over to the closet to put on my outfit for the day which consisted of Sams old sweatpants and a tanktop.

"Wow look how sexy is that." Sam said sarcastically. I playfully punched him in the shoulder and continued to edit the video I filmed.

"We leave tonight. Well at like 5am." Sam added as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Just stay up all night and we can sleep on the plane." He added and opened the twitter app on his iPhone.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Let me finish this." I said without looking away from my laptop.


"Sam let's go!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. Sam was ready to go before me, but then he decided to take a shower. "If your not in the car in 5 minutes, I'm leaving without you." I said again before leaving and getting into his car.

I saw Sam leave the house and instantly start typing something on his phone, so Jc honked the horn of the car as loud as he could. He jumped and almost dropped his phone.

"Fuck you Jc." He said getting into the car and sitting next to me in the back. I kissed his cheek then put my legs over his and laid on the seats.


"Jc thanks for driving us." I said grabbing my back out of the trunk.

"No problem. Have fun you two." He said with a grin before he pulled away.


I grabbed my penny board out from the front pocket of my carry on bag, and rode it inside.

"You really shouldn't ride that inside here." Sam said pointing down at my board. I shrugged and continued to ride and find the place we were supposed to wait for our plane.

"Flight 4A to Hawaii have been delayed for 2 hours due to fuel shortage." Some voice announced over the intercom.

"Wow..." I said slowly stopping then grabbing my board. "Well what do you want to do for two more hours?" I asked Sam who wasn't even paying attention to me.

"OH. MY. GOD. SAMMM!" Some random teenage girl screamed before running up to him and giving him a hug. "Could I please get a picture?" She asked pulling her phone out of her pocket. Sam nodded in agreement and grabbed her phone and handed it to me. I took the picture and handed it back to the girl. "Kylie can I get a picture with you too?" We asked looking like she was about to cry.

"Of course!" I said. She gave the phone to Sam and he took a picture of us. The girl told is her twitter and we both followed her and then we went our separate ways.


Chapter two is DONEEEEEEE!







Darlin' Im broken (sam pottorff fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant