Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning snuggled with Sam on the couch. I remembered every second of last night.

I slowly got out of bed and stretched before heading to the bathroom to shower.

I had just finished putting in my makeup, a light pink eyeshadow and and a thin line of liquid eyeliner, topped off with mascara.

My outfit was a right black crop top that was cut off above my belly button, and a pair of Jcs sweatpants that I had stolen from him awhile ago. They were really baggy on me, but that's why I loved them.

"Good morning beautiful." Sam said sliding his hands on my waist and kissing my neck.

"Morning." I said not moving, I was adding a little but of blush and I didn't want to mess it up.

"So what do you want to do today he asked kissing my neck even more. He hit my sweet spot making me moan, but this didn't feel right.

"Sam stop." I said pulling away. I shoved my makeup into my bag. "I need to talk to Andrea." I said before lightly pecking his cheek and leaving the room.

I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door, no answer. She had given me an extra key which I brought with me since I didn't expect her to answer.

I unlocked the door and saw Andrea laying in bed just watching tv. She looked at me and looked surprised.

"Hey." I said sitting on the edge of her bed. "Can we talk?" I asked. She just looked at me. Puffy eyes, ratty hair, no makeup.

"Kylie, I know you hate me. But I really don't want you too. We were best friends. I told you things I never told anyone. You were the only person I trusted out of everyone I know. And you trusted me. I told you, you could. And look what I fucking did. I went behind your back, and did the most idiotic thing I could have done." She said without a breath. Years were streaming down her face. "Kylie please forgive me, I know yoy may not want to be my friend. But I need you. I need my best friend." She added.

I had no words.

I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. We sat there, me just hugging her and crying into my chest.

"Andrea, you ARE my best friend. We all make mistakes, and we all need to forgive." I said rubbing her back. "And I've told you too many things you could use against me to leave you." I said laughing. I let go of her and a smile grew on her face.


By the way, I'm writing a new fanfic soon, it's kian(;

So, if you comment a description and a name of a girl, I might use it.

Yes it can be you.

And I may combine ideas. I just need help.


Darlin' Im broken (sam pottorff fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora