Chapter 13

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"Will you go to England with me?" Sam asked.

"Dude. I thought you were breaking up with me!" I yelled hitting his shoulder then laughing.

"Oh I'm sorry... But will you?" Sam asked again.

"Of course! But i need to talk to Connor about it first." I said petting my cat who was next to me.

"Already talked to him. We leave in a week. Oh yeah, and JC is coming too." Sam added.


I was riding my penny board around while vlogging on a new camera Connor got me. This was going to be my first video ever. And I honestly didn't know what to talk about.

I was holing the camera up, and trying to not fall, which wasn't to hard... Until a car swerved around the corner.


All I felt was pain.

Pain throughout my whole body.

Yet, I was numb. I had my eyes closed, but I could tell how bright it was.

What happened.

I slowly opened my eyes, quickly shutting them again because of the bright light reflecting off the white walls.

"Sam? Connor?" I said. My voice was raspy, and quiet.

"Yeah Ky it's Sam. Connor is out talking to your mom." Sam said coming over to me.

"Sam what... What happened?" I asked slightly sitting up.

"Well, two days ago you were vlogging, and a car pulled around the corner too fast and you got hit. You got the whole thing on video so we have a case against the guy. And, he was drunk driving so soon he's going to have to pay at least $10,000 for everything. And money for compensation." Sam said with a grin.

"Wait, I get hit by a car, and get paid?" I said laughing hysterically. I couldn't even control it. I think I was on pain MEDS, and was a little loopy...


Well, I headed up to our house on crutches. My leg was broken. Like, really, broken.

I over heard Sam and Connor taking about the England trip.

"No Sam she can't go.." Connor said leaving the room. He brushed passed me and went to his room.

"Sam, I still want to go.." I said setting my crutches down after I got to the couch to sit.

"Connor doesn't think it's a good idea for you to go with a broken leg." Sam said. "Do you need anything?" He added.

"Yeah, can you make me some coffee." I asked.

Sam came back with my coffee and sat next to me.

"I'm going to be 18 in like a week. So by the time we are there, I'll be 18. Technically I can make decisions for myself." I said then taking a sip of my coffee. "Sam, I'm going to England with you."

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