Chapter 4

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That next morning when we woke up we had decided to go swim with dolphins. I mean, we're in Hawaii, you can't just come here and not do that. I had put a salmon and white stripped bandeau bikini with a golden anchor in the middle. Sam had on a pair of rasta swimming trunks and a black tanktop.

I slipped on a strapless dress and sat on the bed in our room on twitter waiting for our room service.

"I'm so hungryyyyyyyy!" I said locking my phone and plugging it in.

"I know. I know. We have to wait though." Sam said with a laugh as he came over and sat on my lap. He leaned in and kissed me on my nose, then my neck, then my chest, then there was a knock at the door. "Ohhhh so now you decide to show up." Sam said with a grunt as he got off of me to answer the door.

"That was amazing.." I said as I wrapped myself in a towel. We had just swam with the dolphins and they gave me a kiss. This day was already perfect. The thing that makes me sad is that we are leaving in about 5 days, and if the days go by this fast the whole time, this trip will be over before we know it.

"Do you want to get dinner?" Sam asked holding my hand as we walked into the town near our hotel.

"Ohh oh oh! Lets get sushi!" I yelled as I pointed at the sushi place I saw ahead of us.

"You like expensive food. You better pay me back." Sam said with a wink followed by a grin. A devilish grin...

I agreed to whatever it was he was thinking and we walked into the restaurant.

We talked the whole meal, and it was absolutely amazing. The fish was so fresh, and we saw the chefs make it.

"Ready to go?" Sam asked as he pushed in my chair after I stood up. I nodded and we left the restaurant and took a mint before we left the door.

After getting back to the hotel, I instantly changed into a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, and threw my hair into a messy bun.

"You look tired." Sam said sitting next to me on the bed. I just looked over at him, kissed his cheek, then returned my attention to the tv. I bought Wolf of WallStreet and played it. Sam and I were cuddled in the bed just watching, and it couldn't be better.

"Ew ew ew." I said covering my eyes from the naked women on the screen. "I forgot this movie had nudity... A lot of nudity...." I said laughing. I looked up at Sam who was continuing to watch. "Bad Sam!" I shouted pulling the blanket over his head. We were now both under the covers and I just looked up at him, whiny could just barely see. I leaned in a kissed his nose, then his neck, then to his lips. We sat there kissing for what seemed like years before I rolled on top of him.

The make out session began to get more and more passionate. My hands were playing with his soft brown hair, and his warm hands caressing my back. Soon enough I had my hands pulling Sams shirt off of him. Sam slipped his hands up my shirt and undid my bra and tossed it across the room.

*knock knock*

"Room service!" Some woman with a weird voice yelled from the Bally way.

"Little busy here. Come back later!" I shouted.

"Room service!" She shouted one more time, but this time her voice sounded lower.

"Come back later!" Sam shouted.

We heard the door open and I tried to move off of Sam, but struggled because I was held down by the blankets.

Before we knew it, Jc and Ricky walked into our room.

"Oooohhhhh that's why you didn't need 'room service' nice man." Jc said using air quote around room service.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Why are you guys here?" I asked holding a pillow in front of me.

"We're all here. Connor thought it would be good for everyone to be here." Ricky said looking around the room.

"Oh my god I'm killing my brother." I said getting off the bed. I walked around the room searching for my bra, when I finally found it on the couch. I grabbed it and pushed pass Jc and Ricky still holding my pillow over my chest.

After putting it back on, I sat on the edge of the bed with Jc, Sam, and Ricky.

"Is Andrea here?" I asked perking up a bit hoping my best friend would be here.

"Yeah, she has a room down the hall." Jc answered. I asked what room and as soon as they told me, I flew out the door and to her room.

"Andrea!!!" I shouted as I repeatedly pounded on the door. She opened it and her mascara was dripping down her cheeks.

"Andrea what happened?" I asked walking in and wrapping my arms around her.

Darlin' Im broken (sam pottorff fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin