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Diana's POV

Well, that sure shut him up.

As much as I hated admitting it in front of him, I had to do it because I couldn't stand him judging me anymore. This is the most cruel he has been with me since the day we met. Sure, I might deserve it considering how Karma fucks up with everyone and it might be catching onto me for the way I treated him in the starting, but I never thought that he could turn into another one of those people.

The people who judge by what they see, not by what's the truth. He's mad at me, trust me, I get that. I understand what being mad at someone means, but isn't he doing exactly what I was afraid of?


"Don't bother trying." I scoff and the waiter puts the bill in front of me, to which I give him my card and he disappears it with again.

He gets back to me in a minute, during which Aaron was staring at me dumbfounded. Oh, I'm sure he didn't see that one coming. Daniel Brown was my therapist from past few years. He helped me through the toughest part of my life, and I might just even owe him my life.

I know how therapist-client conditions work, and how we are too friendly and casual for that approach. But, he was the only person I could confide in before Ella came in my life. So, truth be told, I looked at him as a friend rather than a psychiatrist. The difference being, I actually listened to what he told me rather ignoring him, and I was comfortable around him.

The server got me back my credit card and I stood up, ready to leave but Aaron grabbed my hand, looking at me with vulnerability in his eyes.

"Just don't leave." He plead.

"Why not? You did."

"Diana, you need to understand where I stand. You li-"

"Don't. Don't say that I lied to you. I didn't lie to you, for fuck's sake! I just didn't tell you about my daughter because I wasn't ready. Cannot you grasp the concept of that?" I shot back.

I had taken enough of his insults for a day. I couldn't possibly taken more.

"But it's such a huge thing.." he drawled.

"Of course, Aaron. It's a huge thing, why do you think I wasn't ready to just drop it onto you?"

"You could have told me. I would have understand." He tries to sound reasonable but we both know it's bullshit.

"Really? Would you have? From where I can see Aaron, ever since you found out about Emily, you're doing exactly what I was afraid you would do. I feared that you will leave me, and voila, you did." I say with a bitter laugh, staring right into his blue eyes, "And don't even get me started on the judgement you've been throwing at me ever since you came here."

"What are you-"

"Oh god, you're so fucking dense! For Pete's sake, you just accused me of cheating on you. I mean, after everything, how could you even do that?"

That was a low blow from Aaron, really low and it hurt right where every emotion regarding him did, in my heart. I pinched the bridge of my nose and got rid of his grasp around my wrist.

"I was hurt and I wasn't thinking, Dee."

I snort at his statement, "And now suddenly you aren't hurt anymore and your brain is working fine?"

"Yes, because if you leave right now, my brain will shut down again and it will hurt so fucking much. Arguing with you is better than not talking to you at all." He says, sincerity lacing his voice.

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