// eighty eight //

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Aaron's POV

"Your scarf looks amazing, babe." I grin as Diana and I step out in the cold wind of the afternoon. It was almost three, I think. We slept in late because we never get a chance to do that.

She glares at me but then plants an innocent yet that smug smile on her face, "Aaron, are you forgetting the part where you let me use concealer to hide the one on your neck."

Now, it's my chance to glare at her, "I am meeting my family for the first time! I couldn't show up with a love bite on my neck." I defend myself as she laughs, stopping a taxi for us.

"I am kidding, I am kidding." She says as we get in and she quickly tells the driver our destination before turning to me, "Will you let me put liner and mascara on your eyes tonight?" She teases and I narrow my eyes at her.


She grins, grabbing my cheeks before kisses me. I kiss her back before sighing against her lips. My nerves are really starting to kick in as the distance between to my biological family gets lesser and lesser. It's just fifteen minutes drive, but Diana tries to keep my mind occupied as she carries on the conversation.

"Just be yourself, alright?" She tells me, searching my face and I know that she can tell I am nervous.

"What if my siblings hate me?" I frown, not liking the thought at all and she takes my hands in hers.

"Aaron, it's honestly impossible for anyone to hate you. Have you met you? You're incredible." She reassures me.

"Your opinion is biased by my skills in bed." I say and she gives me a cheeky grin.

"Yes, but I didn't fall in love with you because of that. I fell in love with you because of how pure your heart is." She kisses where my heart is supposed to be.

Honestly, Diana thinks too highly of me. Sometimes I feel like I am not worth all that, but she's there to tell me otherwise every time that thought crosses my mind.

"Dad talked to Ian." I tell her and she looks at me surprised.

"He did? What did he say?"

I shrug, "I don't know. Probably threatened him? Whatever, I am just glad they are fine with me doing this. I would hate to go against them." I tuck her hair behind her ear and she snuggles closer to me.

"I am sure it was fine, Aaron. Robert just cares a lot for you, so does your mother. It's alright for them to feel a little threatened by all of this." She says and I nod.

"I know, baby."

We talk a little more, about Emily mainly. She must have come back from school by now, where Shelly would have picked her from. We video-called her last night and though Diana expected a lot of crying, Emily was happy to talk to us, which made both of us smile.

When the taxi comes to the stop, I pay for the cab and we get out. I pull Diana closer to myself as a shaky breath leaves through between my teeth. She looks up at me and eyes me a little nervously, "Come here." She says, tugging to my jacket and I lean down closer to her.

Her warm lips wrap around mine, making me forget about my nerves as I focus on the feeling of her against me, and the relief her kiss brings me. She parts our lips but I kiss her again before nodding.

"Come on, let's meet your family." She smiles at me and I instruct my mind to concentrate how beautiful her smile is, and not what lies behind the door.

She rings the doorbell, her free hand in mine. Diana's wearing a maroon full dress that ends up a little above her knees but she has paired it with high boots to cover her skin from the cold. Her blonde hair are falling above her shoulders naturally, one side of them tugged behind her ear and a dark printed scarf is covering her neck. Her white warm coat is covering most of it though, because the weather's still cold.

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