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Lu went upstairs after Hoseok. Ji-ah followed and Ohjin whispered to me, "she's coming at ten." I smiled, "drink to get your nerves out and then get her with a first drink." He asked, "will that work?" I nodded, "it always does." Ohjin walked to the table and I followed. He poured himself some whiskey and I poured some tequila. We started drinking. When we felt a buzz, we headed upstairs. Hoseok stood on the top of the stairs with Lu. The music was off and everyone crowded to stare.

"Don't f*ck this party up! You know where you're at and who we are. Anyone who f*cks this, will get f*cking killed, got it? Now," he smiled after threatening everyone, "get sh*t faced and never forget this party!" He screamed and drank a glass of alcohol. Everyone cheered and the music cut on. I saw Ohjin head for the door with two cups in his hands. I tried finding Ji-ah but couldn't. Lu and Hoseok were making out on the stairs. The guy next to the DJ looked uninterested in the party. I continued to drink until I felt tipsy.

The house was so big and I kept getting lost. It was like a maze. I danced to the music for a bit and enjoyed the atmosphere. There was smoke in the air and it smelled awful. The party was overflowing out the doors and people were everywhere. I moved more sensually to the music as I drank more. A guy pressed himself against me and slid his hands up my dress to feel my underwear. I made out with him for a while until I needed another drink. In the kitchen I saw a line of pre-rolled joints, five bags of weed, at least six ziplock bags of pills, an almost everlasting supply of alcohol, and a bag of powder. I couldn't believe they just laid it all out like that.

"Admiring our selection?" A man asked me. I turned quickly, almost spilling my drink on him. It was Hoseok. "Where's Lu?" He rolled his eyes and said, "throwing up already." I nodded and looked at the drugs again. "Wanna try them?" He smirked. "No, thanks. You just lay them out? What if people overdose?" I asked. He shrugged and said, "it isn't our problem. It's up to them how much they want. You sure you don't want any?" Hoseok grabbed a few of the joints and then the bag of powder. "I'm good," I said, pouring a drink for myself. Hoseok asked for one too. I poured it and went to hand it to him. "Could you carry it for me? Just follow me," he walked before I could deny. He went to a glass door that was guarded and then unlocked it. The room was empty. It was a pool room. Black marble floors and white walls. The pool was huge. A couple chairs were out with a long table. "This room is off limits to y'all. Only me and a few others can come in," he told me. I set his drink down as he sat down and set the drugs on the table. He set down an extra bag with two pills in it. "I'll head out then," I told him. "No, stay with me," he smiled. I felt kind of uncomfortable. I didn't trust him and he wasn't giving me good vibes. Hoseok asked, "your name's Chaemi?" I nodded, "yeah." A smirk formed on his lips as he said, "sounds like fun." I shrugged and stayed silent in the chair next to him.

"This is ecstacy," he pointed to the pills, "you don't do that either?" I shook my head. "Sober, eh?" he chuckled and set a line of coke out. He stood up and walked over to me, he handed me a one hundred dollar bill. "I...What are-" "Use it for that," he meant the coke. "I don't do that," I tried telling him. "He sighed and sat me down in front of the table. He sat beside me and opened a drawer in the side table, getting out a bottle of vodka. "Let's drink then." I drank the rest of my cup and refilled it. Hoseok smoked weed while we drank.

"How are you feeling?" He blew smoke out his mouth. "Drunk as he*l," I laughed. He laughed with me. "F*ck it drunk?" He offered me the blunt. "F*ck. It." I took it and started smoking. It wasn't my first time but I had only did it a few times. I laughed and Hoseok took the hundred off the table. He rolled it and did the line of coke. He leaned back with a smile and said, "f*ck it." I was uneasy but as I got higher, I relaxed. I relaxed too much. Hoseok took a hit from the joint and I, without thinking, did a line of coke. "Oh, sh*t...oh, f*ck, man," I breathed out. Hoseok laughed and his hand reached to me. The blunt ran out and he tossed it. He grabbed my hand and stood up. As I felt everything hitting me, we just stood there for a couple minutes. We laughed and then Hoseok took his jacket off. "Let's swim," he suggested. I nodded and took my dress of. He stripped to his boxers. "How about it?" He picked up the ecstasy. I shook my head. I didn't lose it least I didn't think I did. He laughed and made four lines of coke on the table. "Two each." We did them at the same time before standing up, drinking more vodka, and feeling the effects wash over us.

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