scenario eighteen

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Current rank: #210

Scenario number eighteen

Special Characters: Aiden, Tina, Pia, Gemma, May.

Tina follows Aiden and his girlfriend to the horror house, where little kids are coming out with tears on their faces. Parents quickly embrace their children with a look of concern in their faces.

Tina starts wondering if she can do this at all. You can do this, Altina. It's just a horror house, nothing more.

The horror house is filled with darkness and different kinds of doors that lead people to different scary areas. It's just like a maze, except the maze has scary sound effects, monstrous noises and minimum light.

In fact, the only thing that can help people see their way through are the lava lamps and the flickering fluorescent lights.

It's not allowed to bring something inside the horror house. One will receive his/her stuff once he/she gets to the exit.

"I'll just follow Aiden and Pia." Tina whispers to herself. As soon as she pays for her ticket and steps foot in the horror house, she feels something chilly. 

Ignoring the feeling, the first room is nothing but terrifying portraits of murderous people. "What the hell...." Tina then notices a cute little puppy, stuck inside a cage.

She goes near it and the puppy's eyes brighten and turn red. Tina covers her mouth before she can scream, just another 'decoration'.

"Fuck! No... I lost them! Shit!" Tina starts swearing, when she stumbles upon three different doors, not being able to remember where Aiden and his date chose to open. One is colored dark red, the second one is colored black, and the last one is just a normal looking door.

Tina chooses to open the third one, deeply petrified. Inside, she sees six doors that look alike as she starts panicking.


May's house. McConell residence.

"I think Darren is really cute." Gemma informs May, "you're so lucky your parents are close with him! I'm so jealous."

"You like him?" May questions Gemma curiously.

Gemma beams, "Y-yes."

"Oh, that's great." May can't help but feel a little hurt, not even knowing why. She's already in a relationship with Alvin, and she has no right to feel envious.

"John told me that he has feelings for you, and that Darren.... I don't know if I should believe him or not but... John told me that Darren likes me." Gemma smiles.

May tries her best not to frown, but inside she feels sad. She doesn't even know why she's feeling this way, it definitely isn't right. "Oh, isn't that good news?" May grins.

"It is, but..."


"You don't have feelings for John?" Gemma disappointedly asks May.

May shakes her head and forces herself to laugh. "You're funny. Why would I like John?"

"You guys... you're perfect for each other. Maybe we can also go on a double date soon, who knows?" Gemma clasps her hands happily.

May coughs. "Maybe. Soon."

"Wait, don't tell me you're still in a relationship with Alvin.." Gemma pouts, "honey, I love you, but Alvin is not the right guy for you."

"No one is the right guy, Gem." May tries not to sound irritated.

"Says the one who's still in a relationship." Gemma scoffs.

May sighs, "I don't know, Gem. Alvin and I.. we aren't the same anymore ever since that fight.."

"The fight? You mean when Darren came to rescue you?" Gemma pronounces Darren's name with a dreamy sigh.

May nods wistfully. "I felt really sorry for Darren..."

"You know my man, he's a hero." Gemma chuckles.

"Y-your man?" May squirms, shocked.

"It's just a joke, geez. I never knew you were this gullible." Gemma rolls her eyes playfully. "When will your parents come home?"

"Maybe soon--"

*knock knock*

May's eyes lighten. "That's probably them."

May opens the door and sees her one and only 'boyfriend', Alvin Carter.

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