The letter from the King + A/N

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I just want to get to know the people who are reading this book, let me know what you like and what you don't like about this book. If you want more P.O.V from Jackson or Harper. Just so I can get a feel for things that my readers like. 

If  you want me to add pictures and songs to each chapter or who I think each character looks like in my mind, let me know

I hope this chapter is exciting and you enjoy it. It won't start in the P.O.V of either Harper or Jackson but someone else, let me know if you like it from different P.O.V.


Alpha Michael P.O.V (Harper's father) 

"Mollie she will figure it out on her own, we have word from the King himself that once Noah joins the King Guards he will greet the family personally and Harper and Jackson will mate. I grabbed the letter written by the Alpha King himself telling us that he knew Harper was his mate since he first met her on the day of his shift and that he would take her when she was of the age which was over five years ago and he is still yet to make himself known to her.

part of me did fear the life of my daughter, the Alpha King has a reputation what if he treats my little Harper badly. I won't be able to protect her, but he gave me his letter promises me that she will be loved, what if that is just a lie? He could destroy the light that lives inside my youngest child.

My wife and mate Mollie eased the letter out of my hand and grazed her thumb over the royal seal on the back of the envelope. peeling it open she gently took out the piece of paper that had not been touched since it was sent to me five years ago. 

her eyes widened as she read the words of a sixteen-year-old Alpha King, this was the first time to read the letter that spoke about our daughter fate. Her fate to be the Luna  Queen. Our daughter was mated to a man that nightmares were based on, that killed anyone that stepped into his territory without a good reason was known for lying with other women that were not his mate, which was greatly frowned upon in this pack. Defeated more rouge single handed than any pack had. The wolf that my daughter was mated to was a monster that hid in the shadows of his castle walls. He was also that Alpha King that my daughters hated.

Mollie placed the letter down on the desk and elegantly sunk into the sofa behind her crossing her legs, a frown clear on the pretty face. "Why didn't you show me the letter before now, Michael?"

My forehead creased in confusion, she just read a letter of the Alpha King declaring his love for our daughter, his mate and she is questioning why I didn't show her sooner.

"Mollie, this man is a ruthless animal who kills all those who show weakness and betray him, we just sent our son to go spy on the man to see how he would treat our daughter and you big issue is that I didn't show you a letter full of information, that you already knew about, sooner,"  I growl escaped my lips and my fangs elongated out of my gums. My wife just raised her eyebrows at me and gave her deadpan look, showing now interest that I was angry and my wolf was appearing.  I may be the Alpha of this pack, but she is in charge of me. My wolf retreated leaving me to deal with my mate alone.

"I'm sorry" I glanced over at the letter. "I just can't see Harper loving him like he claims he loves her. I don't know her feelings to get her killed. My wife stood and made her way to my standing position, she placed her hand on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes as the sparks ran through my body. 

"Harper is the only one that can make this decision, as you said it's been fives years since he wrote this letter and he hasn't come for her yet, maybe he changed his mind and thought that he was too much of a monster to deserve a mate." She smiled and kissed my lips leaving the kiss to linger too long to just be a peck.  I grabbed her hand and exited my office leaving the letter on display on my desk.   The letter informing us that the man my daughter is destined to be mated with killed his own father and become king at 17.

Harper P.O.V

I was sat crossed legged on my bed flicking through a book when my best friend bounded through my door holding a 1-litre tub of ice cream and a bag of sweet goodies. I arched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Leigh, what are you doing here?" She smirked and then jumped onto my bed throwing the chocolate and sweets over my bed. Along with two spoons for the ice cream, in which one hit me directly on the nose.

"oww, Leigh, watch where you throw things, what are you doing here anyway you never said?" She smiled at me jumping next to me on the bed.

"Your brother has just left for the year, so I'm here for the weekend to cheer you up" I sighed at thought of not seeing my brother in a while but smiled seeing the trouble my best friend had gone to, to cheer me up. With that thought, I grabbed the spoon that hit me and the triple chocolate caramel ice cream and began to eat my way through the sadness of missing my brother.

Three hours later we were still eating through the goodies that Leigh brought with no sign of slowing down.The topic of conversation was discussing what our future mates would be like. I laughed at my best friend as she discussed what her perfect mate would be and the way he would treat her with so much love and kindness and treat her with such care, I smiled as her wolf drifted her into a world of their own.  I coughed bringing her back to reality. 

She laughed and looked at me with a gentle smile but her eyes changed from sympathy to amusement with her next train of thought. 

"Can you imagine if you were to be the Alpha Kings mate."

I laughed then looked her dead in the face "If I was to be mated to that monster, I would reject him, I would rather die than live knowing that a man that killed his own father would be the one I was destined to love."

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