The calm before the storm

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Harper P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of patting of rain on my window, glancing over at my clock I read that it was only 4 o'clock  in the morning. It was a Saturday so there was no training today but it meant that the gym would be packed with large warrior wolf male and testosterone leaking from their pores. Not wanting to be squashed amongst males, I jumped out of bed racing around my room to find suitable gym clothing.

I settled for Ivy Park high waist running leggings and VS sports bra not bothering with a top since the gym would be close to empty, if not empty. I tightened my ponytail before grabbing headphones pushing them into my pocket along with my phone.

I exited my house entering the rain, before sprinting to the warrior's pack house, the one that had the best gym equipment.

Pushing open the back door of the house, I tiptoed down to the basement where the gym was located. The cold air-conditioned breeze hit my face, making me shiver briefly before my body temperature took over warming my body back up.

The gym was massive having enough gym equipment for 300 people to be doing one thing at once, it was more like an underground bunker that could only be accessed by the black moon pack members.  

I grabbed a bottle of water from the vending machine and a cold towel fresh from the newly cleaned stack.Plugging my headphones in, I took a left to the movement bikes. Adjusting the seat I started my hour work out to strengthen my cardio and legs.


The clock hit 5:30 am and it was immediately crowded by the warriors who would normally be training throughout the week.Some took advantage of the one day a week off and spent an extra hour or two in bed.

I stepped off the bike grabbing my belongings before making my way to the exit and entrance of the gym. I shared a few smiles with the warriors that were starting their workout. A few tense their muscles as I walked passed trying to impress me but I ignored the flexing of their muscles and their hopeful glances and made my way through the wave of people.

I threw my now sweat filled towel and empty water bottle into their separate buckets and carried on to leave the gym.

I was walking up the steps from the basement when I felt the urge to turn around. Slowly turning my head around, I met a set of blue eyes and a beautiful pearly white smile.


I nodded my head in the direction of the exit telling him to meet me outside. He nodded once, his smile never faded. I felt him follow me outside the rain still pounding heavily against the ground.

I stepped out of the shelter of the house letting the rain hit my skin, the cold rain cooling me down.

I was so lost in the sensation of the cold rain hitting my heated skin, that I forgot about Alex until two arms wrapped around my waist picking my body up, spinning me round in the rain.

Eventually, Alex stopped spinning me around and placed me back on the ground facing his well-sculpted boyish face. His beard starting to grow.

"Hey."   He loudly whispered.

"Hi." I smiled


Alpha King Jackson P.O.V

"Fuck," I shouted, I pick up the closest thing that was in my reach and threw it at the oak door of my office. My Beta sat on the sofa watching my anger outburst. He delivered the bad news that the pack closest to my body had been attacked and most left dead including the children. I  had developed a good relation with the pack. I was now left to distribute the remaining pack members to those around the world. Making sure not to split up families that had somehow not managed to be split up. 

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