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Harper P.O.V

I had no time to digest any of the information what I had been told, I was already shaking hands with the man that I know is named Clive who looks oddly familiar to me.

Jackson's arm was wrapped protectively around my waist, something that I was used to but enjoyed and a smile found a place on Jackson's lips forcing a smile onto my own.

"I had no idea that you were coming back."  Jackson outstretched his free hand, holding it out for Clive to shake.

"I wanted to surprise you and Ben. This lovely lady must be Miss Harper, you have grown since the last time I saw you?" I smiled in the direction of Clive remembering now why he looked so familiar, I met him once when the Royal Family came to my pack.

A half-hearted smile forced its way on to my lips as Clive looked towards me, his grey eyes staring into mine. Something didn't feel right, my body tensed in Jackson's arms as I become more uncomfortable in the presence of Clive.

"Well, it has been a long night so I think Harper and I are going to be heading to bed. Good night Clive."

"Goodnight Jackson, Harper." 

A cold chill ran down the back of my spine and rested in my stomach leaving the need to be sick. Jackson guided us out of the kitchen and past Clive who still had his eyes on us as we left making my whole body stand on edge. 

We walked in silence away from the kitchen, Jackson arm still firmly around my waist his hand slowly rubbing my side trying to soothe me, he could sense that I was not comfortable. I felt his eyes burning a hole in the side of my head and once we were out of earshot from the kitchen I turned to face Jackson, his eye filled with concern.

"Whats wrong Harper?" He hand fell from my hip and placed it on my cheek stroking with his thumb in circles to keep soothing my racing heart.

"I don't trust him, Jackson, there is something not right. I don't like it." I whispered even though I knew we could not be heard, but I didn't want to take my chances.

"Who Clive, I have known him since I was a baby, he's Bens dad, he's a nice guy just a bit odd that's all. You don't need to worry."

I shook my head in disagreement, Clive was more than just odd. It was weird something that I had never felt before, it was like he resembled something bad. He was something bad.

"Jackson I know you don't want to hear this, but you have not seen that man since you killed your dad. How well do you still know him, just please be careful?" I grabbed Jackson hand squeezing it tightly. "Please just don't trust him?"

Jackson nodded and wrapped his other arm around my body bringing me to his chest. I let go of his hand and wrapped my arms around his torso as he placed his other hand on the top of my back rubbing my back slowly.

"Okay Harper, I will be careful." 


Jackson P.O.V

I walked Harper to her room, I wanted to stay with her but I didn't want to rush things. Now I was lying back in my bed trying to sleep, but what Harper said kept replaying in my mind. I have never seen her like that, something had truly got to her and I didn't like it. 

I had been staring at the same plain ceiling for an hour, my mind making up a reason why Harper was cautious about Clive. I tried to get my body to shut down and sleep but it was just not. Eventually, I got up from my bed knowing that sleep was not going to consume, I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed a pair of trainers and work out clothing if I wasn't going to sleep I might as well work out.

An hour later 

I had been fighting against a mannequin for an hour and I still didn't feel close to tired. I kicked and punched this fake person releasing all this anger that I didn't even know I had.  I pushed and kicked an even when it fell to the floor I jumped onto its body straddling its hips proceeding to punch its face.

"What did he ever do to you?" I stopped and jumped up from my position and turned to where the voice was coming from. Standing at the entrance was Anna, a face full of confusion plastered on her face. 

"Have you and Harper fallen out again, I thought you just started getting onto the right path."  I smiled.

"It's not me and Harper, we actually are making steps. Clive is back, Harper being weird about it and I don't know it just confusing me." She walked towards me and grabbed a pair of boxing gloves, she began putting them on as she walked closer to me.

She threw the second pair at me.

"Jackson, Clive saw me after he saw you and Harper. Something was different about him, but I guess the last time he was here you had just killed Dad. Its bound to feel odd being back. But fighting a dummy that won't fight back will not help. So big brother, put the gloves on and fight your little sister just like old times." 

I smiled and shook my head. Anna was a one of a kind sister. She was born 3 years after me when my family was still intact.  Even though she was born into a family of wolves, she never transformed and still hasnt, she is what is called a non-wolf in the lycanthrope community, but that does not stop her from beating my ass on occasion.

She swung for my jaw as I targeted for her ribs, Anna kicked out her leg which I grabbed in my hand twisting causing her body to go turn along with it and her other foot to lose balance and her Anna to fall on her back.

"I guess I should have seen that coming considering my brother is 'the Alpha King'."


here is an update, 

what do you think of clive and Anna, did you know that Jackson and Anna are related.

I don't think it's my best chapter.

Sorry that its a bit late, but I have been busy recently with hospital appointments and college work. so bare with the slow updates

Picture of Anna

Louise x

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