Portrait room

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Harper P.O.V

My lips came into contact with Jackson, sparks ignited throughout my body.  His hand that was rested on my shoulder began to move to my face, cupping my cheek. My arms that were by my side were now moving to wrap around his neck. The kiss was getting deeper, his arms started moving from my face towards my waist, wrapping his arms around my lower body and slightly cupping my bum. His arm wrapped tighter around my waist, lifting my body off the ground causing my legs on instinct to wrap around his torso.

His lips moved from mine towards my neck, his tongue flicked the spot where he would mark me. my head threw back out of pleasure giving him more room to attack my neck with kisses.  I moved my hands from around his neck to cup his cheeks and focus his lips back on mine.

"Jackson"  I moaned against his lips trying to grab his attention.  Again his lips moved from mine to my neck.

"Jackson, we need to stop before this gets too far" He groaned but loosened his grip on my waist and began lowering me back to the ground. He placed a final kiss on my lips which lingered and was pleasant. 

His forehead rested against mine. "I have waited so long to do that."

"I'm just happy my towel stayed on." 

Jackson let out a breathy laugh "I'm not." I shook my head and laughed.

I wrapped my hand around the top half of my towel, whats in the box Jackson?" my eyes moved to the bed where the box that had neat ribbon was placed. He smiled and reached over for the box, his eyes still on mine.

Jackson passed the box to me, his hand brushed against mine. "Open it."

I untied the ribbon and let it fall to the floor, lifting the lid off of the box.  I gasped and smiled at the present in the box.  A simple photo frame with a picture of us at the ball.  A picture of us dancing and smiling at each other, like we had been in love with each other for years.

"Jackson, its lovely thank you."

He kissed my forehead "don't mention it. I'm going to do some food once you are dressed, I will be in the kitchen."

"okay" I smiled and he leaned down gently kissing my lips. 

Jackson P.O.V

My heart rate was beating so fast, the memory of what just happened not letting it slow down. Kissing Harper was better then what I ever thought. 

I walked down towards the kitchen steps, where I heard the chef yelling at his staff to prepare the breakfast for the pack. For a small man, he was always angry. I entered the kitchen, my face holding no emotion. 

I leaned against the entrance to the door waiting to be noticed. The chef had his back towards me, the staff began to stop and bow as my presence which angered the chef more. His yelling began to turn into a high pitch squeak with his hands flying everywhere. His sous chef began using his head to point in my direction, but the chef still carried on yelling.

"Your Majesty the King." eventually the pot boy spoke to notify the Chef, slowly he began to turn around shock and worry on his face and began to bow. 

"Your Majesty, what can I help with."

"Leave" I ordered to all of them. Confusion on there faces, everyone stayed still. " Did I stutter?"

"Your Majesty with all due respect we are in the middle of cooking breakfast." 

"Get out." my voice neutral

The staff began to run out trailing behind each other after they turned off the hob and the oven.  I walked over to the fridge and grabbed bacon along with a frying pan, I started to fry the bacon along with a couple of sausages. 

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