old friends knocking on new doors

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That message was never meant for Jackson.

That message was never meant for Jackson

That message was never meant for Jackson.

They were for me. 

5 hours earlier

I watched as Jackson lay in the hospital bed unconscious he has been this way for 3 weeks, nothing has changed. No change in heart rate, no change in brain activity. He was just lying there with a steady beep ringing throughout the hospital room. Now that Jackson was otherwise disposed of, the duties of the packs across the world feel on my shoulders as there queen.  This also meant that I had to deal with the consequences of Clive. I hadn't left Jackson side in weeks. I couldn't. I needed to be here in case something changed. This was my fault.

I kept a firm grip on his hand in hope that it would change anything, that he would wake up and I could see those eyes again.  I was so lost and caught up in my thoughts that I didn't hear the sound of someone else walk in until a hand pressed against my shoulder causing me to jump slightly. I turned my head looking up to see Ben, or what seemed to be Ben, his face was white and his eyes were black and hollow from the lack of sleep he had been getting. He lost weight due to decreasing appetite. 

"Anything?" I asked. Both Ben and the others had been searching day and night for reason behind mine and Jackson sudden outburst of hate towards each other but nothing. No one found anything, nothing that was useful or we could make sense of. Even Jackson mention of the mood goddess had given us no hope. 

I looked up Ben hoping that this time he would have some good news that we could make sense off but he shook his head for the 100th time this week signifying that he had no such luck. 
"Maybe it time you spoke with Clive he might have the answer that you are looking for. That we need. He is rotting away down there and we need to put him to good use before someone kills him."

I closed my eyes in annoyances as I knew that what Ben was saying made sense. It was my role now to get the information that everyone was desperate for. I was the only that could do it. I nodded my head and stood from the seat that I felt I hadn't left in weeks.  I pressed a gentle kiss on Jackson's forehead before leaving the room and being guided to the basement where I awaited Clive.

Only a couple of steps into the basement the smell of blood and sweat was prominent and was messing with my senses. I pushed through the stagnant smell in hope that my nose would be numb to the smell by the time we reached the bottom of the stairwell. I turned to Ben as we got half way down asking him to stay behind insisting that I do this alone. Getting to the bottom was a strange feeling, I wanted to be here but at the same time, every bone in my body was telling me to turn around and run or at least call Ben for support. I turned the corner but jumped slightly, surprised to be met by a body dangling from the air by his hands. His body whipped, bloodied and bruised, his face near unrecognisable but not swollen and beaten enough for me not to know that the man in front of me was Clive. He lifted his hanging head hearing the new presence in the room, a small smirk forming on his twisted face as his lip brightened with joy as I stood in front of him. 

"So you killed him yet?" Clive stuttered out. I balled my hands into fist causing the knuckles to go white with anger.

"What did you do?" I choked out coughing slightly after to try and regain confidence in my voice even though my knees were shaking and wanted nothing but to collapse from under me. Clive's laughter erupted around the room, the sound mocking be from every section and every wall the laugh resonated off.

"I know a lot of things sweet Harper. How you are so clueless to everything happening around you. How you don't see the truth that is literally right in front of your nose. That you honestly believed that you were in danger when truth be told dear, we all had strict instructions to not harm a hair on your head." 

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