King vs Queen

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I woke up to the whistling of the winter wind blowing the curtains and the window open, I groaned and stirred in the bed wrapping a loose bed sheet around my body to go and close the window. My naked body shivered as the wind hit my exposed skin chasing goose bumps to rise on my arms. I closed the window making sure it was bolted tightly so it didn't happen again. I was the only one in the room, the space next to mine in the bed was empty and the imprint of Jackson's body slowly starting to fade showing he left a while ago. I ran my fingers through my hair combing it to try and take the mess on my head.  I tightened the sheet around my body making sure it wouldn't fall down as I walked to the bathroom to freshen up. I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was as I guessed a mess with edges sticking out everywhere, my lips were red and full from the night of passionate kissing, slightly bruises had formed on my shoulders from the rough and tumble of mine and Jackson's love making. I traced with my hand line of bruises from the tip of my neck to the shoulder and turning around to see if there were any dotted on my back.
Moving my head to see the other side of my neck I frowned in confusion when I didn't see the mate mark between my neck and collar bone, I tried to remember the night thinking if Jackson had actually marked me but no memory came to my mind.
I shrugged my shoulders with confusion but turned to the jacuzzi bath running the hot water while adding a mountain of bubbles before dropping the sheet around my body and stepping inside the bath, i submerged my shoulders and rested my head back closing my eyes and relaxing for a moment.

Half way through my bath I heard the bedroom door close loudly and a roar from Jackson along with the snapping of wood and the smashing of glass. Sighing, i submerged fully wetting my hair before getting out the bath, wrapping a towel around my body and exiting the bathroom to see Jackson pacing up and down the room, his eyes black in anger, claws exposed.

"Jackson" I mumbled from the doorway keeping my distance, his head snapped towards me, a sly smile on his face as he approached me, i back away raising a hand in hope to stop him approaching in this state, but it didn't work his chest just colliding with such power against my wrist I heard it crack in 3 different places.
I bit my lip to hide my pain but stopped when I tasted the metallic taste of blood.
"Jackson what happened?" I asked trying to mask the pain in voice as I waited for the bones to heal.
Jackson's head tilted to the side his eyes still black and the smile on his facing growing sadistic as he showed his canines.
"Mate" he pushed down my hand forcing it to my side as he wrapped his arms around my waist pushing me away from the doorway, he tore of the towel exposing me naked body to his eyes making me vulnerable to his touch and the  cold wind that had made its way back into the room.
I tried to wiggle out of his grip but that only caused him to tighten his grip around my waist, I could feel the bruises already forming around my hips.
"Get off of me Jackson" I spoke calmly in hope he would let go of me. His smile grew wider as I asked again my voice shaking slightly the second time. A laugh erupted from Jackson as I began begging him to get off of me he grip hurting me more, the more I asked..
"My beautiful Harper." He stroked his hand across my face and his other hand still holding me, he brushes his hand over my hair wrapping it around his wrist before yanking it causing me to scream in pain my body tilted as he pulled my head to the ground.
"You wouldn't betray me would you harper, my beautiful mate, my loving mate. You wouldn't dare betray me again. Lie to me, hurt me."
He removed his grip causing me to drop the floor.
"No, what are you on about Jackson." I screamed up toward him my naked body lying on the ground bruises forming and my wrist still broken.
"You betrayed me, you brought those rouge into my pack, murdered my sister you conspired with Clive, you are a traitor."
I broke out into a sob confused and angry, he wouldn't believe me even if I tried to say that it wasn't true, it's a lie but he wouldn't listen, not like this.
"I didn't Jackson. You have to believe me."
He backed away from me like I just burnt him with my words he turned his head shaking it looking away from me.

"How can I trust anything you say, you love another it would make sense."
"You still think I love Alex." My sobbing stopped anger laced my words, how could he still think I had feelings for Alex anymore.
I stood up from the ground taking a step forward towards him.i grabbed his face with one hand and forced him to look at me, his eyes still dark.
"How long have you thought this for what Clive to say to make sense? You were so quick to jump that what he said was the truth, you yourself must have been feeling this way for a while." I spat his anger radiating off his body equal to mine.
He pushed me away but I pushed him back causing him to collide with the wall causing it to crack the door way and rumble and powder to fall to the ground. I grabbed the nearest thing I could reach to use as a weapon but nothing was suitable. I was angry he still didn't trust me. I was angry that he felt that I had killed the people that I have come to fond off. That j would kill Anna, my own brothers mate and my mates sister. I was the Queen I could feel the energy and power running though my veins. I was the Queen and if needed i would kill the king

Enjoy x

Who will win guys! You will decide!!

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