Welcoming home lost loves

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Harper P.O.V

I wiped my hand against my forehead taking away the droplets of sweat that were falling from my head. My body was covered in sweat my running leggings sticking to my skin. I was on my 18th lap around the warrior's field, the sun beaming down making me sweat more.

I came to the end of my lap before jogging over to the centre of the field, I reached down grabbing my water bottle taking a large gulp from the bottle before tipping some over my brown hair.  I was alone on the field this time, it was 4 o'clock on a summer's morning, an hour before the warriors were meant to come and train. The sun already making its appearance known in the sky. 

Grabbing the end of my ponytail, I rinsed the water and sweat from my hair and then doing the same with the fabric that clung to my skin. My chest was rapidly rising and falling as an effect of running eighteen laps without water or rest.  I finished the bottle of water and threw it back onto the ground before starting on the next eighteen laps. 

My body was aching and telling me to stop or at least slow down from the fast pace that I was forcing my legs to run. I felt my heart beating in my chest like at any moment it would fall right out, but I still didn't stop or slow down.  Even when I felt the vomit rising from my stomach I didn't stop. I needed to clear my mind, and running help me do that. 

I didn't realise I had been running none stop for an hour until a set of arms wrapped around my waist stopping me. I fell into the arms and feeling myself fall to the ground willingly not realising how exhausted my body was until I finally found the comfort in the soft cold ground.  The sweat dripping off of my body and the aching of my bones becoming obvious to me now, my muscles screaming in pain. 

I was lost in thought during a run that I didn't realise how far I had run or for how long. My eyelids shut with the pleasure of resting. I felt a light tapping on my shoulder but I rolled away from the touch groaning because they disturbed my rest.

"Harper, honey you have to get up." I nodded at the voice of my father, peeling my eyes open and wanting to shut them as fast as I opened them as the low sun felt like it was piercing my eyeballs. 

My father's voice echoed through my head again, telling me that I had to get up.  I felt his arms around my shoulders pulling me to my feet, but at soon as my feet were flat on the ground, my legs gave way due to the weakness of my muscles. Luckily my dad was still holding my shoulders so he was able to catch me before I fell completely. 

"Harper, how long have you been running?"  Concern was apparent in his voice, I mumbled a reply that wasn't really formed of any words just sounds. I felt him chuckle slightly. 

"Drew can you take your sister to her bed she needs to sleep, I need to get the session started."  I half listened to the conversation they had drifting in and out of sleep due to the pain of my aching bones. I felt my body being shifted to another person and my legs being held up, I assumed I was being carried in a bridal hold. I groaned in pain as agony spread throughout my body.  

"Maybe you should call the pack doctor as well?" I heard my dad whisper to my brother, I questioned briefly why I would need to go to Dr.Johnson but I put the thought to the back of my head as soon as I was welcomed with the air conditioned room and a darker surroundings compared to the light and the heat.  

I was placed on a comfy surface that I realised was my bed, the softness of the blanket made me feel like I was wrapped in cotton.  my eye was still firmly closed and coolness of the air wrapped around my over- heating aching body. I sighed in pleasure as I managed to get comfortable my bed felt like heaven at this point. As I found the perfect position to lie and wrapped the blankets around my body. I then drifted off to a harmonious sleep for, however, many hours it would take for my aching limbs to recover.

10 Hour later

I woke up to the smell of my mum's famous chilli spreading throughout the house, I glanced over at my phone, it was 5 o'clock in the evening, I had been asleep for 10 hours.  I pulled myself into a sitting position and the sharp aches and pains sprung back into life but faded at quickly as they returned, my wolf must have taken over healing my limbs.

I kicked my legs out of the side of my bed and placed them on the floor.I hoisted myself into a standing position walking over and grabbing the towels that were hanging on the back of my door. I walked into the bathroom attached to my room, switching the shower on, I began to strip down from clothes. I was disgusted that I fell asleep in my sweat covered gym clothes. I threw the sports bra and tank on the floor and tugged at my running leggings forcing them to come off my legs. I tugged at the hair band that was keeping my hair in place and watched as it fell down the length of my back. I little wisps of curls at the end of my hair, tickled the end of my back. I climbed into the shower standing under the cascading water. The heated water droplets falling delicately onto my olive toned skin. I grabbed the cinnamon and honeysuckle body wash rubbing the liquid till it formed on my body. The smell flooded through my nostrils. My signature scent that one day would be combined with my mates. I let the water rinse of the foam and stood for a couple more minutes mores letting the heat just soothe any leftover aches.

Grabbing the towel I stepped out of the showers wrapping the cotton fabric around my body, I walked out of the bathroom and grabbing pjiamas and underwear from separate draws, dropping the towel onto the floor, I changed into the short silk styled pjs. The grey fabric matching the skin tone without washing me out.  The temperature had started to drop compared to the earlier heat. A brisk breeze brushing over my legs and bare arm, I stepped towards my wardrobe grabbing an oversized hoodie from the hanger. throwing the black jumper over my shoulders and tucking the arms into the sleeves. 

I made my way towards the stairs and down towards amazing smell of dinner. I jumped down the stairs and turned towards the kitchen where the family was sit huddled round the breakfast bar waiting for the last preparations for dinner. Their heads directed towards me and smiles spread wide on their faces.

"Hey little one," the youngest of my four brothers, Jayden smiled at me, I smiled back  "How you feeling"

I nodded, smiling. "Feeling a lot better now."  My oldest brother came behind me and ruffled my wet hair laughing, "You gave us a little scare there Harp, we thought something was seriously wrong but turns out you just needed a good night rest." I gave a sympathetic smile to my family before apologising. 

"Dinner is ready, Harper gets a plate first before the boys tuck in." I laughed as the males in my household all held their plate ready for rice and chilli to be dished onto their plates, all of them standing behind me. I took my full plate and grabbed a handful of cheese salsa, sour cream and tortilla chips before sitting at my place at the table. I didn't realise how hungry I was until the smell of food wafted into my nostrils and my stomach grumbled with hunger. I began to scoff down the food before any one had joined me at the table, even the smell of a familiar scent couldent stop me from enjoying this amazing food right now.

I looked up at the direction of my family to see that my family was staring behind me, that was when I recognised the new scent in the room.

It couldn't be. No! He has returned, a smile began to form on my face as I began to turn my head hoping that the person I thought it was, was the person standing in my family's kitchen. 

My thoughts were correct when a beaming adult face smile was standing at the entrance of the kitchen. With that I pushed myself out of the chair  I was sat in, close to jumping over the breakfast and bounding in the arms of the muscle god standing in my home.

My best friend, my other half Alex Richmond was standing in front of me, holding me and wrapping his arms around me.

The man that I loved and could potentially still be in love with is standing in front of me.


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