Heart in the hands of a monster

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Alpha King Jackson P.O.V

"you lot are pathetic, you want to stand by me and whole my honour but you are so pathetic."

I walked around the 240 men standing in my field my hands round my back and my body held high as I examined these men that were nothing compared to the men that are in my Guard.

I shouted commands hoping that they would follow without hesitation and follow the order correctly. I watched as the men finally, in sync, repeated the movements that were shown to them at the start of the training session.

My green eyes examined as each man threw punches at each other and blocked and defended their own body, kicking their legs and pushing their partners to the ground and repeating. Their movements were in sync and correct, but they were sloppy and unfit. They may have been top warriors of their own pack but to be a kings guards you have to be the best of the best and these men were pathetic want to be and would take a while to train the top 10 to the best of their ability.

"Ok you bunch of pathetic twats, take a 2 minutes break and drink some water." My beta commanded them, I rolled my eyes as the sighed in relieve and they were panting and heaving trying to refill their lungs with oxygen. I was going to struggle to pick the best of these men when they were all as bad as each other.

They had been training for 4 hours and it was only going to get worse, if they couldn't handle this now they were not even worth considering. I was about to yell for them to get back into training but my third in command came running up to me with anger in his eyes.

"Logan, what is it?" He stopped running when he was in close proximity, "sir, We have captured a rogue on your territory."

I turned to my beta who heard the conversation taking place, I smirked and an evil glint making its way into my eyes as the thought of torturing this mutt would be a great thing for new warriors to witness. My beta nodded, understanding what I intended to show these worthless pieces of shit.

"Logan, bring the rogue out here, chain him with silver round his neck and wrists, let see what he has to say for himself."

I watched as the warriors glanced at each other in confusion, my eyes turned black, my wolf taking control of the situation, I saw these men look scared almost when they noticed my shift.

"Ok you worthless pieces of no good shit, training is over, we will test how good you are at holding what in your stomach as you watch me torture those who betray your King." My wolf growled and smirk playing on my lips and my canines begin to flash in the sun. My claws elongated with the smell of the rouge entering the field.

My head turned round so fast that it could have snapped off of my neck, a growl erupted low in my throat as I took off running towards the rouge on the other half of the field. My claws come into contact with his face, cutting his skin deep and blood running down his face, at the sound of him hissing in pain made me laugh in amusement. I dug my fingers into the back of his neck forcing him to stand.

"What are you doing here mutt?" I growled whilst digging my claws deeper into the back of his neck feeling his blood covers the top of my fingers. The stale smell filling my nostrils that any wolf would have thrown up at, but I had become immune.

The silence was his reply to my question which only angered me more, "Answer my question you fucking disgrace," digging my five fingers into his neck watching as he began to fade into an unconscious state. I pulled my claws out and watched as he coughed up blood, I raised my eyebrow not impressed at how quickly his body fell victim to the pain who was suffering.

"If you can not answering the first question, answer me this, What is your name traitor?" He coughed, blood splattering all over the green grass of my field. Great. I crouched down to become eye level with his fallen figure, the black eyes of my wolf staring into his red, the colour of the rogues. A single warning growl erupted from my lungs, "What is your name?"

He coughed more and more blood along with it "Tarius" A small murmur came from his mouth. So now he wanted to talk. "My name is Tarius." I lifted him again re-entering my claws into the wounds in the back of his neck, Tarius hissed in pain once again.

"Now, what are you doing on my ground, the Kings home ground," I repeated my original question, with a vicious growl as I stood him to his feet once again. I nodded to the guard behind him to remove the silver around his neck. The burning from the silver marking his skin on his neck. The pain of silver was the best form of torture. I smirked and wrapped my free hand around the mutt's neck and listened in pleasure as he howled in agony, it was like sweet music to my ears. I removed my hand from his neck to listen to his reply, I could feel his need to fall to the floor in pain pulling down on my wrist attached to the back of his neck.

"I- I," he struggled to form a sentence from the burning sensation of the silver and the pressure applied by my claws, "i- I was sent here, t-to," he breathed trying to compose a fully audible sentence. "sent here to to give you an m-message" he breathed. I rolled my eye and brought my free hand to the side of his stomach and tore the flesh from his body, the blood falling to the fall, the wound was not severe enough to kill him but death would be his fate, no mercy for those who disobey their king.

"What was this message then," my voice oozing with amusement. The rouge looked me dead in the eye. "That on the last snowfall of winter, on eve of the full moon you have your mate enjoy that because when the sun replaces that moon you will sit with them dead in your arms and your kingdom collapsed around you."

My eyes flickered from black to green, "don't speak of such insanities, one will think you are insane. He smiled flashing his teeth. "If it was such an insane thought why didn't you let your wolf tell me so."

I pressed my hand against his chest feeling his beating heart pulsing through his body before I plunged my hand past his rib cage hearing the bone crack, the amusement and enjoyment gone from his red eyes, I wrapped my hand around his heart squeezing it gently watching as he struggled to gain his breath. I smiled as I watched the life leave his eyes before I took my handout of his chest, his body falling to the fall and his heart in my hand.

I turned towards the men behind me, my eyes making contact with Noah Peters, his thought resembled my own. If what the rogue said was true, Harper would be dead within the next year.

I dropped Tarius heart to the floor, turning back towards the direction of the packhouse, stepping over the dead body of the rouge.

Looked like training was cancelled.


So a chapter for all those Jackson lovers. It's just an insight into what he is like when he is not thinking about his lovely mate Harper but is what Tarius said true, will Harper be dead within a year. The picture above is how I see Jackson but you can see him in any way you imagine.

Who knows.

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