From one Alpha to another

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Alpha Michael P.O.V (Harpers dad)

My head was starting to drift down to my desk, sleep taking over my body. The energy leaving my body, my head jolted up as it edged closer to the table. I pressed my palms against the edge of the desk pushing my chair away and grabbing my coffee mug before walking towards the kitchen to refill the cup with a strong coffee.

I flicked the switch on the machine watching as the coffee began to hit up. I strolled over to the sink filling my hands with the cold water before splashing it over my face. I rested my hands on the side of the sink staring out of the window above the sink. Darkness had taken over the day and the pack was asleep, it was 2 in the morning. The moon sat in the center of the sky, the only source of light. 

I was about to pour the liquid into my mug when movement from the forest caught my eyes, I tilted my head with confusion, I was unclear on the figures but as they came further into the field I saw the figures, hands tightly wrapped around each other, her body tucked into his.  Harper petite frame looked smaller next to his large one. A smile fresh on her face and reaching her eyes, laughter erupted from both of their lungs, he turned to her raising his single index finger to his lips, I assume telling her to be quiet,  Alex shoulders still shaking with laughter still. I smiled at the sight of seeing those two together, they loved each other. my smile faded when the thought of how it would change between them when Alex found his mate and Harper finds out that King Jackson is hers. The pair stopped in the middle of the field their shoulders no longer moving with laughter, a smile still faint on both of their face, I watched as Alex lifted his hand to my daughters face caressing her cheek, I watched as he leant down and brushed his lips against hers. I nodded to myself registering to myself that it was time to stop watching.  

I grabbed the coffee pouring it into my mug and left the kitchen, not before reopening the kitchen door, so Harper could get back in.  I headed back up the steps and back towards my office, I heard the gentle closing of the kitchen door and the locking of the door behind her, I smiled knowing that she was at home safe. 

I started to empty out of the boxes underneath my desk, unloading all the files on my desk that needed to be sorted through. Each containing the identity of every pack member. I scanned through each folder finding Alex's and marked that he had returned after training with other packs for a year. I did the same with other 50 folders, correcting folders and removing any folders of pack members that died. I completed the box before leaving the office. On the way out I knocked a stack of folders of the edge of the table with my hip and watched as they all fell to the floor. I reached down and picked up the paper before coming across the letter the King sent me all those years ago. I sighed before placing it back on the desk. I wrote out a sticky note sticking it on the letter reminding me to complete a certain task to do with the letter tomorrow. 

Note- Update the king on Harper's life.

I was asked in the letter to update the King if anything significant changed in Harper's life, a promise that needed to be kept due to the threat that my family could face. And the king was not going to like what I was going to put in his recent letter.

Alpha King Jackson P.O.V

I watched as Melissa buttoned her top back up, my naked body half covered by the sheets, a sickness came over me every time I slept with someone that was not Harper but a guy had needs and Melissa was happy to help. Of course, she was known for being the castle whore. I had all intention of stopping this meaningless sex with her this year as it was the year Harper and I would be united but what the rogue said was playing on my mind and I need to stop thinking about it for a while. 

I looked down at the sheets, the smell of our scents mixing together made me growl with a sickness in my stomach. I regretted what I just did the thought of Harper face filled with disappointment entered my mind.

"Get out," I was quiet and not as angry as I wished it to be but Melissa heard.

She turned to face me a sultry pout on her face trying to seduce me again. Her blouse not done all the way up and her breast slightly on display, this only angered me more. 
"But baby," she strolled towards her hands reaching out towards my chest.

"Get out Melissa" I growled loudly the noise echoing through the walls and causing the table and lamps to shake. Melissa scurried away from me heading towards the door running out with fear in her eyes. 

Her smell and my smell mixed together and lingered in the sheets and on the walls. Harpers face a prominent thought in my mind. My heart beating was racing against my chest, my breathing becomes difficult. I had hooked up with Melissa many times but this time it hurt my soul, my whole body felt numb and in pain. My breathing was becoming heavier and short. I headed towards the bed, my body slightly hunched, my hand pressed against my heart hoping somehow it would help. I reached for the sheets tearing them off my bed, long strips of fabric falling off as my wolf claws dug deep on the material trying to remove the scent from the bed, from the room.

"Anna", I shouted as loudly as I could hoping she would hear my cries for help. "Anna"  somehow finding the strength to shout louder, before my knees gave in and I collapsed under the scent that lingered in the air.  As my heart began to beat faster and the pain increases, my breathing getting harsher, Anna bounced through the door in a state of panic, her face changed slightly as the mixture of mine and Melissa scent hit her, but changed back to panic when she saw me hurting on the floor. Her hand came into contact with my face, her cold hands cooling the temperature of my body. 

Her hands raising me to come into contact with her face "Jack, Jack, Jackson focus on me, Jackson, look at me, breathe focus on me just breathe, look at me." 

I raised my eyes trying to focus on what Anna was saying. I looked into her green eyes, those that were identical to mine. I watched as she inhaled and exhaled at an even pace. I followed her breathing as her cold hands still pressed against my cheeks trying to get the pain to go away.  

Eventually, the heat decreased and the pain faded along with my breathing appearing to be normal.  Anna wrapped her hands around my shoulder hugging me before standing up and removing the sheets from my bed and replacing them, taking the stench with her. As she left I caught her staring with disappointment and sadness. 

I sighed and curled up in the bed breathing in the clean scent, a knock then echoed through my room and in a tired state and went over swinging the door open to reveal nobody there, but on the floor outside my door was a letter with the black moon logo stamped on the top right corner.

I grabbed the letter leaning down and wiping it up with my hand. It was from Alpha Michael, it had been at least a year since his last letter, the sudden arrival of one made me worry and my jaw tense in anticipation. I peeled open the envelope to see his bold handwriting standing out on the cream page. 

A wave of nausea swept over my body, my gut instinct telling me I would not be happy about the content of this letter.


This is a fuller chapter and it's not the best I really don't like it so I might delete it if I can think of, the next chapter should be better but might take longer for an update this week as I am working a lot of next weeks so you might get two in one day.

Sorry if you hate the chapter



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