He's awake

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Alex P.O.V

I brushed the tips of my fingers over her naked back creating small patterns across of skin watching as my touch caused her to stir in her sleep. The sound of her humming against my touch made small bumps on my skin rise in pleasure. My plan could not have worked better if I tired. The smallest details to the bigger ones, everything fell in place. The moment I was told who Harper's mate was I knew that I couldn't let that happen. She loved me and no one was going to change that. 

We both lay naked on the study floor, our clothes barley covering our skin but I didn't mind as I got to see every section of Harper, every curve and freckle. she was perfect and finally all mine. The vibrating of my phone knocked me from my senses and caused Harper to stir in her sleep. I moaned in pleasure she turned onto her back exposing her breasts. The constant vibrating distracted me once again.

"what!" I growled down the phone annoyed that my perfect moment was disturbed.

"Sir, what shall we do about Clive. Is there a rescue attempt being made?" one of my followers questioned down the phone. I rolled my eyes at his suggestion. 

"no Clive has served his purpose, let them kill him, he is  no use to me." With that, I ended the call rolling back Harper my hand gliding over the curve of her breast. 

Clive served his purpose in taking the blame and making sure none of the plotting or planning landed back on me. He did well in bringing the curse into the castle that separated the two mates replacing what once was love with something lot harder to break. Hate. Once Jackson' and Harper's mind was infected with the curse, it was easy to convince Jackson that Harper never loved him and it was all just a plan to kill him. The death of Anne was inevitable and that I didn't plan, but it was perfect. It just added fuel to the flame giving them both another reason to hate each other. Planting the seed in Jackson's head that Harper had got his sister killed was a lot easier than I initially thought, but who am I to complain. 

Looking down at the sweet girl next to me I knew that nothing now would change this moment.  The blade that Harper stabbed Jackson with, was of course planted by Clive and was laced in a poison that gives Jackson no hope in surviving, no matter how many life support machines you attached to him. The king is dead. 

Once again my own thoughts were interrupted by the shouting of Harper's name down the corridor. My eyes widened knowing that voice all too well. Everything was going so well and now this perfect moment was going to be brought to pieces by the fucking Beta. I listened as the footsteps and the shouting got closer. Nothing was going to ruin this moment. I watched as Harper began to reluctantly open her eyes as the sound of her name woke her from her dreams.  I jumped up from the spot looking around for anything to arm myself with in case he smelt us both and entered the study. A wooden plank from the splinted desk, from the evening's affair,  lay on the ground. Arming myself I stood behind the door and waited. The footsteps stopped outside the door, before carrying on. I exhaled the breath that I had been holding in anticipation. I looked down at the still sleeping beauty on the floor, who had drifted back to sleep as the shouting of her name stopped. I looked away but my attention was quickly drawn back to her, more importantly, the healing bite mark just above her collar bone. It didn't take a genius to know what that was. Jackson marked her. In frustration, I threw the plank of wood to the ground causing a confused and shocked Harper to wake. The curse was meant to prevent the mating ceremony. Harper should defiantly not have fucking Jackson's mark on her body.  In a second the study door flung open and an angry-looking Ben stood in the door, claws extended ready to kill. He looked at the compromising position between harper and myself. 

"Did you want something?" the smirk clear on my face. Ben looked at me for a few more seconds before turning his attention back to Harper, whose normal tanned colored had gone from her skin and her once red-cheeked blush had gone. Her eyes had glazed over no longer emitting warmth and kindness but a cold emptiness. 

"What did you do to her?" Ben growled authority clear in his voice. 

"Nothing. Nothing was meant to be happening to her." I backed away into the corner as Ben stalked towards me, his larger frame towering over me. He wrapped his hand around my throat pushing me up against a wall squeezing the remaining oxygen out of my lungs before dropping me to the floor just as my vision went black, but not before seeing Harper's fragile frame be lifted into Ben's arm away from me and hearing the words that I never thought I would hear. 

"He's awake Harper stay with us."


two updates in one evening. 

Hope you enjoy them

be nice in the comments




Lou x

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