King guards

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Noah P.O.V

2 months. I have been here, training for the king's guard for 2 months. Getting up at 4 o'clock every morning and not getting back to the room till gone 8 in the evening. It was hard, I expected to be put through my paces but I had never felt this much aching in my body. I was physically crawling up the stairs to the room that I shared with four other boys.

I had just made it to the top the boys following behind when yelling came from the bottom of the steps telling us that we had to make our way to the lounge. I threw my head back and groaned as all of us turned back around and started walking back down the steps.

At the bottom stood Karl, the head of training us, he pointed to the door telling all of the lads to line up outside of the door. My stomach dropped, was it time that some of us were going home. it was a week early.

As I made my way outside my face was clear with confusion when I saw a bunch of children and some adults with teens. I stood there my hands behind my back, the King then stepped out of his car with a small black hair boy by his side. Does the king have a secret son that we are meeting? My heart dropped at that thought, my heart dropped for my sister, I don't know how she would be able to cope if she had to bring up a child that was not hers but her mates.

My face held shock at the thought of the Alpha having a child. Jackson raised his head and looked directly into my eyes, a questioning glance plastered on his face. I nodded towards the child next to him, the one that shared his black hair. I raised my eyebrow in question. HIs eyes widened in shock then shook his head.
Jackson valued and respected me as I was his inside scoop for his mate. Every evening he would message me, asking if I could discuss matters about Harper. Everything that I had information on was disclosed.About Alex and how my dad sent him away for a year. What she pictures for her mate and to his much dislike how she didn't picture her mate to be the ruthless, manipulative Alpha King. She imagined quite the opposite.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when the Alphas booming voice informed us about the situation with the crescent moon pack and that these were the few remaining survivors of the rogue attack. We listened to the instructions of taking the children, teens, and adults to their rooms and making sure they were fed.

I took the boy that Beta Ben was holding hands with and carried him in one arm while I held his bag in the other. The boy was drifting off to sleep on my shoulder. Once I placed him on the bed and his head hit the pillow he was fully asleep, nothing would be waking him soon. The poor boy must be traumatised. They all must be. I stayed for a little while after he fell asleep in case he woke in a state of horror but after a couple of hours I left, it was getting into the early hours of the morning when I closed the door to the current occupants room, I turned down the left corridor passing the kings corridor, when a growl erupted from the king's study. I rolled my eyes and began to walk again but was forced in my tracks when my voice was shouted by no other than the king himself. My shoulder sunk, I just wanted to get some sleep, I had to be up in less than four hours to start training for the day and the last thing I wanted was to be chatting for a solid hour about my sister and the Kings 'constant undying' love for her. Can't love her that much if he sleeps with any female that has a pulse I thought to myself. Poor Harper is going to have sleepless nights when she discovers who her mate is.

I forced my body to turn to face a very angry looking Alpha King, the look on his face was the same he shared when he ripped out that rogue heart and threw it on the ground. My heart dropped to my stomach and a lump began to form in my throat.

"A-Alpha" I stuttered. A sly smile formed on his lips, his fangs poking out from the front of his mouth, his eyes a slightly darker green from his normal. He was fighting with his wolf for control.

He took long strides towards me, his pace slow. His walk causing me great agony alone, I fear what would happen when he reached me. Even though his eyes were a mixture of his own and his wolf, you could see them constructing a plan in his mind. This was not good. A devious scent leaked from him. This was not good at all.

"Did you know that, that Alex boy was back at your camp. Fornicating with your sister. MY MATE?" He yelled the last part, his tone and abrupt change in volume forced me to step back in submission. His words took a minute to sink in. Now I understood why he was angry. My father had written to him, before Alex left for camp, about Harper and his 'relationship,' I had also spoken to the King in our conversations about how they had been romantic with each other but had no given each other what was destined for their mates. That was a mainly a dig at the king, which was always met with a saddened look on his behalf.

However, I was not aware that Alex was back. I repeat this is not good.


Apologies for the short chapter, you won't be getting a chapter of Jackson or Harper for a couple of chapters but the chapter will lead to the story just for different P.O.V


Would you guys like a series of these books. Whether it be the story of Jackson and Harper in a sequel? 

Or if they have children, a story for them. Or would you like a series of book that is not about Harper and Jackson but for Ben (Beta) and his mate.

Or of Michael and Mollie and how they became mates etc.

Let me know, please!!! Leave comments if you want this book to be a series or just on it own or whatever let me know Please.

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