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We had both had a lot too drink... too much to drink. That's how we ended up in the bed together, naked, kissing, hands all over each other,  in the spare bedroom in my best friend Jessica's house, during the "first fucking party of junior year" as Jessica called it all night long. I wasn't complaining about what I was doing with Monty, I mean, I've always been super attracted to him. What I am concerned about though, is the fact that we've been friends for years, nothing more. Would this change our friendship? Would it end our friendship? Or would I finally get what I've always wanted and get to actually be with Montgomery in the way I've always wanted? That was probably the least likely scenario to happen though. He may be my friend but everyone knows that Monty is a player who doesn't do relationships, has one night stands any chance he gets, has a bit of an anger problem, and typically isn't the nicest to people outside of our group of friends. He's kind of your typical high school jock, if I'm being completely honest.  "Marci, is this okay?" he mumbled huskily into my ear, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him only to make eye contact with completely lust filled brown eyes, that met my blue probably equally as lust filled eyes. "Y-yeah, this is perfect, M." I half whispered, half stuttered out. Before I knew it, his lips were back on mine. Our kisses kept getting more and more hungry, our hands discovering more places, moans filled the room, legs tangled together. I knew where this was going, half of me couldn't get to that place fast enough and the other half of me wanted to stop the whole thing and run away. "Do you want to take this a little further? Because I mean, I'm down if you are." Monty whispered to me with a little smirk on his face. Damn that smirk. "Yeah, but be easy. You know I'm not really experienced..." I replied while blushing. It was true, I had only ever had sex one other time a year before then, at a party at Bryce's house with a guy that I had met that night. I regretted it the next day, so I hadn't had sex since then even though I've had plenty of opportunities. Something told me that I wouldn't regret it with Monty, though. He started kissing my neck as he pushed into me, leaving hickey's, or evidence as I like to call them, all over my neck. This felt good. This felt right. There's no way I was going to ever regret doing this with Montgomery. At least that's what I thought. I couldn't have been any more wrong...

 I couldn't have been any more wrong

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