Can you hear the wedding bells?

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Two months later...

"That dress looks beautiful on you, Jess!" I clapped while looking her over. Today was the day that she was picking out her maid of honor dress, while Marissa, Emma, and even Sherri who was in town picked out their bridesmaids dresses. All colors were supposed to match, but I was allowing them to pick their own style. "You really think so? I just don't like my flabby, substitute teacher arms." She complained while jiggling her arms in the mirror. I laughed and rolled my eyes before taking a step towards her. "You've never had substitute teacher arms but even if you did in the past, they're long gone now." I assured her while hinting to the fact that we're always working out now. "Yeah, you're right. I'm looking pretty damn good for a mom, right?" "Total MILF." Jessica and I joked back and forth with each other. "You're all MILF's, I can only hope that I look as good as y'all whenever I have kids'." Sherri said as her, Emma, and Marissa joined us. "Seriously. All three of them look like they've never carried a baby in their womb for even a day." Marissa added and I chuckled while waving them off. I turned to look the three of them over and my eyes lit up with joy. They all looked amazing in their dresses. "Oh my gosh... please tell me those are the winning dresses." I whispered with a soft smile while staring at them, my hands covering my mouth. "Yeah... why?" Emma asked skeptically and I immediately squealed and started jumping up and down. "Because I love them and they look awesome on y'all!" I clarified happily while they all continued to stare at me. "I've never seen you like this before, Mar." Sherri chuckled, I could see the happiness written all over her face though. They weren't used to seeing me like this... but they liked it. "Well, that's because I've never been getting married before." I answered with a permanent grin etched onto my face. "You're really excited to be getting married, aren't you?" Marissa asked me with a soft smile on her face. I sat down on the couch in the room before answering and she sat down next to me, all of the other girls' watching me and waiting for my answer. "I'm more than excited. I feel like... I feel like this is what was always meant to be. I feel like I'm finally becoming who I'm supposed to be." "Marci De La Cruz?" Marissa said with a chuckle and I blushed. "Whitmore - De La Cruz. I'm not dropping my last name altogether." I explained and they all nodded their heads in understanding. "It'll be really nice to finally have the same last name as my kids'." I added after a second and they all nodded again. "I'll never have the same last name as Dallas..." Emma mumbled and she almost sounded sad about it. "But you will..." She whispered to herself but I still heard. I took a step towards her but then she faked a smile and acted like nothing was even said. She'd been acting strange over the past month or so, but I kept trying to brush it off. The strangest thing that she's done, is that she brought Dallas to Monty two weeks ago and still hasn't picked him up. We don't mind having him with us, we just can't figure out why she keeps telling us to keep him longer. While the topic was on my mind, I decided to bring it up to her. "So, Em... my dad has to run to work so he's about to drop the kids off to me here. Do you wanna take Dallas back with you or..." "No. He can go with you." She interrupted me and the rest of us looked at her confused. She quickly turned away and began undressing. "Ya know..." "I said take him with you, Marci." She snapped and I slightly jumped at her tone. I didn't want to break it to her like this, but maybe she needed a little bit of a slap across the face to get her back to normal. Back to her motherly duties. "I was just going to say... Dallas starting calling me mommy last week because he hears Savannah saying it so I think that you should get him before it gets engrained into his head." I explained and she paused for a second before shrugging her shoulders and finishing putting on her clothes. "Well, you kind of are his mom, right?" "No... you are." I pushed but she rolled her eyes. "Mar, I know that Monty wishes that you were Dallas' mom too. Dallas loves you too so... I think he should stay with you." She said before tossing the dress next to me on the couch and then walking out. "Order that dress for me. That's the one." She called over her shoulder to me before opening the front door of the dress shop. At the same time that she was walking out, my dad came walking in with all three of the De La Cruz children in tow. "Hello, Emma. Would you like to see..." He drifted off whenever she kept walking, not sparing him or even Dallas a second glance. He looked at the rest of us confused and we all shrugged our shoulders, worried looks engrained on our faces. "That little encounter just reminded me of something..." My dad started while placing all of the kids' down and then digging into his work bag. He pulled a piece of paper out and I crinkled my eyebrows together in confusion. "This came to the house for you. I'm assuming you'll be getting one in the mail at your apartment too since both addresses are listed for you." He explained before handing it over. "What is it?" I questioned while slowly opening it up. He gestured for me to look myself, so I finished opening it up. My sister and friends' looked over my shoulder to read it too and my dad watched, waiting to see my reaction. "What the fuck..." All of us girls' whispered at the same time. My eyes whipped up to my dad and he nodded with a sad smile. "What's going on with her? Does she not want him anymore?" Jessica questioned with an angry tone to her voice. "Wouldn't Monty have to sign off on that though?" Marissa asked next. "Yes and no. Anyone can sign over their parental rights without consent from the other parent, so no on that part. He does have to sign off on Marci becoming Dallas' legal guardian though... which I don't see why he wouldn't." My dad explained, looking directly at me towards the end. "No. She's not doing that. She's obviously upset about something. She loves Dallas, there's no way she would just give him to me like that." I said exasperated, not taking my eyes off of Dallas the whole time. I felt terrible for him. His own mother was trying to leave him. Just give him away like he's nothing. "Mar, she already gave him to you." Jessica whispered while pointing to the piece of paper that I was still holding on to. "I have to talk to Monty. This doesn't make any sense." I rushed out before quickly grabbing my stuff and the kids'. "Put in the order for those dresses for me, Jess. I'll call all of y'all later." I said before pushing the door open. "Oh, love you, dad. Thanks for watching them." I added before walking out and heading to my jeep. My day was going so great but now I was feeling so confused and filled with pain for Dallas. As I started to strap him into his car seat, I started to cry while I looked at his happy little face. He was giggling and playing with my hair, he had no clue what was going on around him. "I'm so sorry, little man." I whisper cried while running my knuckles over his cheek. "Mommy." He cooed while giggling and placing his hand on my cheek. I nodded my head and sniffled before answering. "Yeah, man. I'm your mommy."

One Time [Montgomery De La Cruz x OC]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن