Savannah Grace De La Cruz.

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The next time I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital with a million different things going on around me. I immediately noticed that my friends and boyfriend were getting pushed out of the room. "Why can't they stay?" I chocked out. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "Mar, are you okay?" Jessica shouted to me through the door. I gave her a weak nod before I started to look around. "Where's Monty?" I asked. As soon as he heard my name, he ran to the door so that I could see him. "Marci, they won't let me in unless you say that I can come in since we're not together." I stared at him for a second and saw the desperation in his eyes. "Does that mean I'm about to have my baby?" I whispered to the doctors with tears welling up in my eyes. They nodded their heads. That's when I noticed that Monty's parents were outside my door too, their hands on his shoulders. He looked completely panicked. "He's her dad. I want him in here with me." I said while motioning to Montgomery. I saw a look of sadness pass Jeff's face and I felt bad but I couldn't imagine doing this without Monty. They handed him some scrubs to put on and informed me that I was having to have a c section because I had a placental abruption. They didn't even understand how I woke back up. I watched as everyone else was shoved out of the doorway and directed towards the waiting room. I was shaking with fear until Monty took my hand in his own. It was so warm and our hands fit together so perfectly. I slowly looked up at him before he leaned down next to me. "We're about to be parents baby. This is what we've been waiting on since the day you took those three tests. I remember you told me through text and you told me I needed to grow up and stop acting like a child because in about 7 and a half months I was gonna have one. I guess I still haven't managed to do that." He chuckled, breaking up his sentence. "From the second I found out you were pregnant, I knew that I wanted you and our baby in my life forever. I know I keep fucking up but it's true. All of the times I talked to her and I felt her move, were all building up to this moment. The day that I found out that she was a girl was the best day of my life. You knew that doing it baseball style would make it even better for me. You're so selfless Mar, you cared more about it being good for me and our friends' than you did for yourself. Whenever I was shot, the only thing that kept me fighting was the thought of you and our little girl. I don't know what's wrong with me that makes me treat you like shit and then leave you but I'm working on it. I know you're with Jeff now and I'm so happy for you if you're happy but you will always be my soulmate and the one who got away. You're the mother of my daughter. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried. I love you, Marci." By the time he was done with his speech, we were already in the OR. I stared at him through teary eyes. I grabbed his hand before speaking. "I love you too, M. You'll always be my soulmate too." I whispered before  the doctor and nurses told us that it was time to get started. I took a deep shaky breath before staring up at the ceiling. I was about to meet my daughter. I remembered very clearly the day that Hannah told me she thought I was pregnant, then I remembered me taking the tests and how bad I freaked out whenever they came out positive, I remembered telling Monty and how my friends' were so happy whenever he took it good instead of freaking out in total Monty style, I remembered all those months leading up to him cheating on me that everything was perfect and he talked to my belly all the time, I remembered the first time I felt her move at the doctors' office and how Monty tried to feel her but couldn't, I remembered the way my heart fluttered whenever my doctor told me it was a girl and even more when I did the reveal at the baseball game for everyone else, I remembered Montgomery being shot and how all I wanted was for him to get to meet his daughter, I remembered the past few weeks that I had been with Jeff and he had been such a good daddy figure too. All of that was leading up to this. I felt tears streaming out of my eyes and Monty leaned down and kissed my cheek. "It's gonna be okay baby." He whispered as I squeezed his hand tighter. A short time later, I heard a baby crying. That was my daughter. My little girl was crying. I broke out in a huge smile and I looked over and saw that Monty's face matched my own. The doctor handed her to me so that I could get some skin to skin contact for a minute and Monty ran his hand over her head. "Savannah Grace, it's daddy." He said to her with tears in his eyes. I started laughing because it was the cutest thing that I had ever seen and I didn't want it to stop. Monty looked at me and leaned down and lightly brushed his lips against mine. I knew that I had tears running down my face but I was too happy to care. My doctor took her back after Monty took a picture so that they could clean her up. They finished sewing me up and getting Savannah checked out and then they wheeled us into our room. As I sat there and watched Monty staring at our daughter with such love, I knew that no matter what happened with Jeff and me, Monty was always going to be my number one.

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