I got a bad boy, must admit it.

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I ended up taking Jessica, Sherri, and even Hannah who had stayed after school for some extra tutoring with Clay,  home with me for a girls night. We had just got done telling Hannah about what happened with Bryce and how it took half of the baseball team to pull Monty off of him and we were waiting to see how mad she was going to be at me for drawing attention to the fact that I was clearly not happy with Bryce about something. To our surprise, she started laughing hysterically. "Oh my God, I fucking love you, Marci. Without even slightly mentioning what he did to me, you still managed for him to get his ass handed to him by Montgomery." She was laughing so hard she could hardly breathe. "That wasn't me, Han. He managed that all on his own." I smiled at her through my rear view mirror. It was so nice hearing her laugh again. "Seriously. He just would not stop provoking Monty about Marci. Talking about how hot she is, how bad he's always wanted to fuck her, even called her a little slut. It was insane." Jessica told Hannah while she turned around in the passenger seat so she could make eye contact with her. "No way! He had enough balls to say all of that in front of Montgomery? He knows how bad his temper is and he knows that he's like, obsessed with Mar right now." "Obsessed is a really strong word, Hannah." I laughed while I spoke as we were pulling in the driveway. "She's right though. He's constantly watching every move you make, asking people to check in on you during school, wants to constantly be near you and touching you, and starts freaking if you're acting distant. You being pregnant with his kid has really stirred up something inside of him." Sherri told me while smiling, of course she thought it was "cute and romantic". We were all making our way into the kitchen to eat a quick little snack. "Wait, he has people checking in on me during school? What the fuck is his problem? I'm perfectly capable of handling myself." I huffed while plopping down on the chair and biting into my apple. "He doesn't have a problem, miss moody. He's scared that something is gonna happen to you, is all." Jessica sat down next to me and gave me a "you need to learn how to chill these hormones" look. I rolled my eyes back at her before I heard my phone go off. It was on the counter next to Hannah, so I asked her to look at it for me. "I'm assuming the contact who's name is baby daddy is Monty?" She said laughing. "Oh yeah, he changed it himself earlier. I'm baby momma in his phone." I told everyone laughing. My phone went off again and Hannah's face fell after looking at it. "Hannah, what is it?" Sherri asked concerned. "Monty is starting to piece things together, Mar." She said to me instead of Sherri. She handed me my phone so that I could see for myself.

Baby Daddy 👶🏻: I was so fucking mad that I pushed u to the ground. I'm disgusting with myself right now. I'm so srry baby girl. Please tell me that ur ok

Baby Daddy 👶🏻: Something is going on with u Mar. I heard you say something to Jess and Sherri about Bryce needing the shit beat out of him and Jess said it wasn't for u to decide. U have also been snapping on him for things u never used to and he's been starting shit with u to. I tried to pass it off  as u being pregnant and hormonal and Bryce just being a dick but then after the fight Jeff told me I need to watch out for u around Bryce. Baby if he did something to u or u kno something and so he's threatening u I need to kno

Baby Daddy 👶🏻: I can see u read that  and didn't respond so I just got my answer. Wtf did he do and why aren't u telling me??? I swear to god if he hurt u I'm gonna fucking kill him. Plz tell me that he didn't hurt u

I read the texts  to the girls. "What do you want me to say, Hannah? I have to say something or he's gonna make his own assumptions and flip his shit." "She's right. He's picking up on things that we thought no one would and Jeff flat out told him that he needs to watch Marci around Bryce. Monty is probably boiling right now and we've gotta put an end to it before it can ever start." Jessica lightly told Hannah. Before she could give us an answer my phone went off again, I already knew who it was going to be.

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