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I stared in front of me at the white walls of  the hospital. I still had Hannah's blood all over me and Jeff and I were both still shirtless. I couldn't hear anything around me and my whole world felt like it was spinning. I knew that she was upset but I didn't realize it was to this extent. Hannah's parents' sat off to the side, clutching onto each other. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, snapping me out of my haze. I slowly looked up and made eye contact with Monty. I continued to stare with no emotion, I was in shock. I could see his lips moving and could just barely feel the light tracing of his fingertips running up and down over my arms. I felt him moving me around while he put his flannel on me. I knew that I was like a dead weight in his arms. I watched him hand an extra t shirt to Jeff and he quickly slipped it on. I saw his lips make out a "thank you" but the sound didn't reach my ears. I looked over and saw Jessica crying in the corner, clinging onto Justin.  I moved my eyes throughout the whole crowd of our friends, seeing all of their miserable expressions, watching the tears fall out of their eyes, but never hearing a thing. I was trapped in my mind, in my thoughts. I begged to pass out so that I could feel the peace of pure darkness; free from everything going on around me. I was gently lifted up, shifted around a little bit, and then pulled back down into Monty's lap. He wrapped his arms around me tight and pulled my head down to his chest. I could feel the drumming of his heart beating against my ear. It was ragged and didn't quite beat the way that a heart is supposed to but at least it was beating. Jess sat down in the chair next to us and I saw her mouth repeatedly making out my name. I slowly reached up and placed my hand on the side of her face. She gave me a small smile before crying. I leaned forward and pulled her into my arms. I could feel her face in the crook of my neck, her tears were soaking me. I felt something coming up through my chest, it ached and it wanted out. As soon as I let out the sob, I could hear everything else. Crying, whispering, footsteps walking throughout the waiting room. "Why did she do this?" I sobbed out. Before I knew it, Monty and all of my friends' wrapped their arms around Jessica and me. We were all a giant hug, melted together in the form of love and comfort. Once we pulled apart, I noticed Clay in the corner with his head down. I slowly stood up from Montgomery's lap and made my way over to Clay. I sat down next to him and took his hand in my own. We sat in silence but I know that he appreciated it by the occasional squeezes he would give my hand. We continued sitting in the waiting room for two more hours before we saw the doctor walking out. We all stood up quickly and I found Monty's hand was the only thing that was keeping me grounded. I barely heard the words before I watched everyone's reactions around me. Mr. and Mrs. Baker held onto each other crying before walking off with the doctor, Jessica fell into Justin's arms, Sherri and Zach found comfort in each other, Alex put his head against the wall, Ryan went up behind him to try to comfort him, Tony was nowhere to be found, Emma was a crying mess from the hormones and I could tell that Monty was torn between comforting her or me, Jeff stood directly in front of me, watching my every move. I turned around and walked off and out of the hospital. It was raining outside and I didn't even bother to seek shelter, I just let the pouring icy rain hit my body everywhere. I spread my arms open at my sides and looked straight up to the sky. I closed my eyes and imagined the world that I was surrounded by just a few days before. I imagined Hannah standing next to me, telling me everything was going to be okay. I screamed at the top of my lungs with every bit of air I had. I was soaked from head to toe, my makeup was running down my face, and I looked like I had just stepped out of the shower fully clothed. "Pass out, please. Just pass out." I begged my body. I couldn't stand to feel this pain. "Fuck!" I yelled. I let my head drop but didn't move anymore than that. My memories with Hannah started to run through my head and I could hear her voice ringing through my ears. I put my hands over my ears and began to scream again. I didn't want to see her in my head. I didn't want to hear her voice. That was just confirmation that that was all in the past, never to be experienced again. I clawed at the sides of my head with my nails, as if I was trying to dig the memories out myself, screaming the whole time. Out of nowhere, I felt strong arms wrap around me tight, a body pressed to my back, and a head on top of mine. I paused my actions and inhaled deeply through my nose. I smelled Monty's aftershave mixed with his axe body spray and his mint toothpaste. It was a combination that was purely Montgomery. I threw my body back into his and latched onto his arms with my hands. I started to sob, the same earth shattering sobs that came out of me after Monty was shot. I couldn't breathe, my whole body was shaking, but I couldn't stop. "She loved you, she wouldn't have wanted this." Monty whispered in my ear. "She's really gone." I whispered between tears, turning to face him. He put his hand on my cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb before responding. "She's gone."

clayhelmetjensen: You will always be my first love

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clayhelmetjensen: You will always be my first love. Idk why God took you from me so soon.

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marci.bby: You'll never truly be gone because your memory lives on in my heart. I love you..

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jess.bby: We were always so goofy...I think that's what I'll miss the most. RIP bbygirl. Love you.

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         A/N: Short chapter! I'm sorry guys, I had to do it! Hannah won't be forgotten though!

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