Authors Note - Season 4

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Hey guys! So as y'all know, every time a new season comes out and I've finished it, I always write a little review on it and give my opinions. I finished season 4 a few days ago but I work at a doctors office and it's been crazy lately so I'm just now getting around to writing my review. But anyways, here it is! 😁

I loved and hated this season. I thought this season was really good and had a lot of twists and turns but at the same time, some of the things they did really bothered me. Just like I always do, I'm gonna write a list of the things I disliked with an explanation why.

1. They really killed Monty off and barely even showed him this season even though the whole season was based around him and of course Clay's mental disorder. I hoped that they would've kept him alive because that would've made it so much more interesting. Imagine all the drama that would've ensued if they framed him for Bryce's murder because they thought he was dead but he actually turned up alive? Even though they did go with killing him off though, he should've been in the season more. He should've been in tons of flashbacks like they did with Bryce, not just in Clay's dreams and hallucinations. There could've been flashbacks of him and Winston, him and Diego, him and the football team, etc. to show us why their loyalty was so strong towards him. Idk, I feel like they could've done so much more with that than they did.

2. Winston "loving" Monty. They hardly even knew each other, as far as we know. That's where flashbacks would've come in handy too. There were months in between the night Bryce was murdered and when Monty was murdered, so they very well might've spent more time together and it would've been nice to see that. They could've shown us flashbacks of them hanging out more, getting to know each other better, talking, etc. but we didn't even get one. It's kind of hard to picture a relationship and Winston loving Monty when all we saw was one drunken hook up, Monty beating his ass afterwards, and one more hook up months later. Idk, it was just really strange to me that they didn't do a bunch of flashbacks to build up their love story more like they did with Bryce.

3. Where the heck did Diego come from? They just threw in some random character who apparently was extremely close with Montgomery but we NEVER saw him or heard of him until now. Kind of like Scott in season 2. They randomly threw him in for no reason and then just get rid of him. They could've just used one of the characters that we've already seen as "Monty's vengeful best friend". It would've been nice to see them in flashbacks together too to explain their friendship as well 🤷🏼‍♀️

4. Clay and Ani. What the fuck was the actual point in having them start to date if it was just gonna end that quickly? Don't get me wrong, I didn't like them together and can't stand Ani but still. That was pointless. It was even more pointless than his relationship with Skye.

5. Clay's mental disorder. They try to pass it off as severe anxiety but his symptoms were more like schizophrenia. He SEES people. He HEARS people. He hallucinates. He blacks out and does stuff without even realizing that he did it. He sits there and has full blown conversations with people that are dead and legitimately thinks that they're there talking to him. That's not anxiety.

6. How horrible Clay was to Justin this season. For the majority of the season, Clay treated Justin like absolute shit. Justin loved Clay so much. I think Justin loved Clay more than anyone else in the world except maybe Jessica. He legitimately thought of him as his brother and loved him like one too. Clay meant everything to Justin and he just kept being hateful to him over and over and over again. It was really hard to watch at points and made me upset and angry. It made me really not like Clay.

7. Them killing off Justin. COME. ON. Why the fuck did they do that? He had changed so much and come so far and they kill him right before graduation? He was gonna graduate, he was going to college when he thought he never would, he finally had a family, parents, a brother. He got Jessica back. He was working towards being and staying sober. He had become such a good guy and became an inspiration. Then they have him get AIDS and die quickly after diagnosis. I HATED that. I bawled my eyes out like a baby that entire episode. Him and Clay telling each other they loved each other really got me. And then his college letter that was all about how much he loves Clay 😭😭😭😭 They could've kept him alive. Honestly, if they had to kill someone off, it would've bothered me less if they had killed anyone but Justin at that point.

8. They randomly made Alex gay which was kind of weird to me. I mean, I guess there were kind of signs but at the same time, there weren't. They made him all about Jessica for the first 3 seasons and then he's randomly gay? That was odd to me.

9. Zach going crazy this season. He was completely out of character the entire season. I felt like they kind of went overboard with it. Just like they did with Clay. I couldn't stand either of them this season.

10. Ani acting like she's so great and swept in and saved the day. She didn't. They could've covered up Bryce's murder without her. She was the one who was making every single one of them guilty all last season until the very end. She's so annoying and really, she caused a lot of problems for all of them herself. She's very selfish and never struck me as some great person who's just always taking care of others over herself like they made her out to be this season. Idk, maybe I just don't like her lol.

So guys, that's it! I'm sure I could think of more if I really tried to dissect the season more but those were the ones that stuck out to me. Like I said, I loved and hated this season at the same time. I think there were a lot of things they could've done differently that would've made this season better but who am I to say? 🤷🏼‍♀️ What are yalls thoughts on it? Feel the same way as me or disagree? Do y'all have any things that y'all didn't like about this season that you'd like to share? Or things that you loved that you'd like to share? Feel free to comment and let me know! And btw, I'm writing new chapters to all of my books now! 😁 I've been so busy with work and my kids and moving but I'm working on it and I promise I haven't abandoned the stories! New chapters will be up as soon as I can, so keep an eye out! Thanks guys and I love y'all 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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