We don't do anything normal.

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A/N: I know that Gigi Hadid is tall in real life but I picture Marci as being really small so she's short in this ☺️

                                             montgomerydlc: My girl is so little and cute 😍

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

                                             montgomerydlc: My girl is so little and cute 😍

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I could feel a change and my relationship with Monty. For the first time in a long time, it was a good change. Monty was smothering me with love and affection ever since last night and I couldn't deny that it was a wonderful feeling. We still hadn't discussed anything to do with having another baby even though we had sex two more times last night and again before school this morning. All three of those times Monty finished inside of me too. The majority of me was happy that I could already be pregnant or could be in the near future but there was a small part of me that still felt like it was strange. I think it was more fear of what other would think than anything. We may only be 18 but we are mature for our age, have already been through so much, and have proven to be good parents. I was still worried though. I knew that Monty and I definitely needed to discuss what we were doing but I was scared to bring the conversation up myself so I was hoping that maybe he would. Monty had to leave for school a little bit early for a baseball meeting so I took Savannah to daycare myself. After I dropped her off, I was heading to school and was just going to deal with being early, until I got an urgent text from Jessica telling me to meet her at Monet's. I sighed knowing that was going to make me late for school but I went anyways knowing that Jess wouldn't demand I meet her there unless it was something important. I agreed and also texted Monty to let him know what was going on and then turned around to go to Monet's. I pulled in and sat Jessica's car parked out front. I went inside and got a hot chocolate and a bagel before meeting up with Jessica in the corner. I sat across from her and was surprised to see that she looked rather content. Her text made it seem like she was upset. "I thought this was an emergency?" I said while crinkling my eyebrows together in confusion. "It is an emergency but not necessarily a bad one. It depends on how you look at it." She said with a slight smile. I was confused so I gestured for her to continue. "Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it... I'm pregnant." I choked on my food at her words. What the hell was going on in this town? All of these teenagers were getting knocked up, including myself.  Was there something in the water? Here I was even kind of trying to get pregnant again. Sometimes I felt like my life was a lifetime movie with all the weird and dramatic shit that went on.  Multiple teenage pregnancies, shootings, rapes, me almost dying during labor, my best friend killing herself. I just didn't live a normal life at all. I started laughing and Jessica looked at me amused. "I'm sorry, it's just comical all the drama we constantly have going on." I said between laughter and she shortly joined in. We talked about her for awhile and I found out that she was 4 weeks along, she had already been to the doctor, Justin actually took it really well, and she was surprisingly happy. She also said she wanted me to be the godmother just like she's Savannah's. If she was happy then I was happy for her and I knew how rewarding it was to be a mother. I kept trying to bite my tongue to keep from telling my secret but it just wanted out so bad. I hadn't originally told Jess because I was worried that she wouldn't understand and would think I was crazy but now I think she might somewhat understand. I finished my bagel and took a sip of my hot chocolate before staring at her for a minute. "Just tell me, Mar. You're acting all weird so I know you need to get something off your chest." She smirked at me. Damn, she knew me like the back of her hand. I sighed and pushed some hair behind my ear. I made eye contact with her and then nervously chuckled. "You're gonna think I'm crazy but for a few months now I've wanted to have another baby. Like I really wanted to be pregnant..." "Oh, I know. We could all tell." She interrupted me and I laughed. "That obvious, huh?" I said to her. She nodded while chuckling. "Well, there's more. So, last night Monty and I were talking and I ended up telling him all of that because I had kept it a secret up until then. I pretty much told him that I knew how crazy it was but then he was giving me all these reasons why it would actually be good, which really surprised me." "Like he wants to have another baby too or something?" She interrupted me again. "That's kind of what it seemed like and then it got even more confusing. We didn't talk about it any more and neither one of us ever specifically said that we wanted to start trying for another baby but we had sex and he finished inside of me. And then we had sex two more times last night and he finished in me both of those times too and then again before school this morning." I was out of breath by the end of my rant and Jessica looked like she was thinking. "Totally sounds like super dad is trying to knock you up again." She said before we both busted out laughing. "Would that be crazy though?" I whispered once the laughter died down. She grabbed my hand and then shook her head. "We've all been through so much in such a short amount of time and we've been forced to learn that life is short and crazy things can happen at any moment. We're all technically adults now and by the time the baby was born, we'd all be done with high school. Y'all love each other, have a lot of support, and are good parents. I also know that you always wanted your kids to have siblings since you never did. The closer in age they are, the close they'll be. I don't see anything wrong with it and screw anyone who does have something negative to say. And we could totally be preggers at the same time and do everything together and our little babies would be best friends just like us." She said while giggling at the last part. I couldn't help but to smile so hard that my cheeks hurt at her statement. She was right about everything that she said. We had been through so much pain and we deserved some happiness and if having another baby made us happy, then so be it. 

One Time [Montgomery De La Cruz x OC]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن