Authors Note 3

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Long rant!

Sorry about another authors note 😅 but anyways, I watched over everything again and I might get a lot of hate for saying this but... I feel bad for Monty. Not for what he did to Tyler because that was completely wrong but for his life and the way that he is. I think most people didn't pay much attention to the inner meanings behind what he was doing in every situation and why. They were just seeing a bullying jock on screen doing something else fucked up. Not just in the scene with Tyler, but the whole season. I had to take several psychology classes to get my medical license and honestly... Montgomery is really fucked up and traumatized in the head and needs psychiatric help. He has a horrible home life and based on the fact that his dad beats him, I'm gonna assume that's why he has anger issues. He doesn't know how to express anything other than anger and aggression. He feels alone because no one helps him to escape his abusive father and household. He's had to try to make his own way out of the situation through sports, that's why he rides so hard on the importance of sports... that's his safe haven and his only way to get out. He doesn't have the help, he doesn't have the money, he doesn't have the grades, but he's got the drive and talent to get a scholarship to get away. So whenever his out was taken away from him because of something that Tyler did, it caused him to go crazy with desperation. He's stuck there now. Whenever he was talking to Bryce about it, you could literally see the pain in his eyes and hear it in his voice. The reason that he was trying so hard to protect Bryce was because he felt like Bryce and that team was all he had so he had to protect him/them. He obviously made a wrong choice and didn't go about it the right way but if you actually pay attention, every move that Monty makes through out the whole season is out of just pure desperation. He wants out. He wants to be able to lean on Bryce so bad he ignores his flaws and does whatever needs to be done, regardless of how wrong it is. Whenever Bryce pretty much best friend broke up with him, it broke Montgomery's heart... he literally almost started crying. He's now stuck with his dad who clearly beats his ass bad enough to really injure him (broken arm and he said earlier that his dad came after him with a hammer), he has to go live in a shack sometimes to get away, even though Scott was doing the right thing by telling on him he felt ambushed by his friend and the others, no one is helping him with being abused, he has no escape route now because baseball is cancelled and he blames that on Tyler, everyone hates him, he lost the person that he thought was really his friend and he risked literally everything to protect, he flat out told Alex that he has no one, and he even flat out told Alex that he didn't care if he shot and killed him. He's in a dark place and everyone handles that differently. His way, is through aggression because since his dad does it to him and probably has his whole life, that's all he knows. Yes, he needs to be punished for what he did to Tyler. But I think he needs real help and not being thrown into a jail cell which will just make his aggressive mentality even worse. Someone needs to see through his fake bullshit, sit down with him, and help. No one wants to help him because he's such an ass but he clearly needs help. Even whenever he was assaulting Tyler, it wasn't a form of "haha" bullying. Even then, you could see the desperation in his face and behind his actions. Because of how he was raised, I doubt Monty even realizes the full extent of what he did or the things that he's done in the past. You can't always judge based on the action in front of you, you need to judge based on what led up to that action. Justin doing heroin was from a horrible life, Tyler wanting to shoot up the school dance was because of excessive bullying through the years, Hannah bullying that girl was because she was scared and trying to fit in, Hannah killing herself was because of bullying, Clay going to kill Bryce was because of desperation... and Monty doing the things that he does is out of desperation too. I hate what he did, I really do. But I think that everyone is missing key points in his back story a lot and I wish that they'd be noticed. They built up his character so much this season for a reason and it can't just be because of what he did to Tyler because they could've done that without making him a main character and without giving his back story. Bryce is just a priveleged little rich boy who's sick in the head and deserves everything he gets. I don't think that's Monty, I think he's very damaged and needs real help and I hope that they build on that if they do a season 3. Let me know what y'all think about my dissecting of the character! Lol

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