The rainbow after the storm.

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Monty's POV

I held up my cards to my face and looked over my hand. I was playing a game of Texas hold 'em with some of the other guys in jail with me. I had been locked up for a month and only had one week left. I was so excited to get out of this shit hole but I knew that this last week was going to drag on forever. I had a daily routine that I'd stuck to to keep my mind straight while being in here. Wake up, make my bed, go to breakfast, go to the infirmary to get my bipolar meds, call Marci and at the very least leave her a voice mail if she wasn't able to answer since she was in school, do all of my school work for the day so that I could graduate on time, go to lunch, work out heavily, go back into my cell for two hours and I'd taken to writing songs during that time or studying for a test, get back out and go play cards with the guys, go to dinner, go back to the infirmary for my second dose of meds, call Marci again, go hang out with the guys for the last couple of hours of freedom, go back to my cell, and go to sleep around 9:30pm. Every day was exactly the same but I'd learned that routine actually kept me pretty sane. I probably should keep a routine even whenever I get home. "You happy to get out of here in a week?" Jason, one of my friends, asked. "Fuck yeah. I'm ready to sleep in my own damn bed." I groaned and they all laughed but agreed. "Gonna get some pregnant pussy whenever you get home?" Brandon, another friend, laughed. I jokingly gave him the finger and laughed. "You never know with that one. I might get home and she's happy as fuck to see me and all over me or I might get home and she fucking hates me and everything that has to do with me." I chuckled and they all assured me that their girls are like that too. Fucking Marci, man. I missed her so much. I just wanted to see her beautiful face and look into those ocean eyes and none of this bullshit would matter anymore. "Oh shit dude, I almost forgot. I followed her on instagram and added her on Facebook so that you could look at her stuff." Jason said while handing me his smuggled in iPhone. There were no guards around so we were good to look at the phone. I pulled up Marci's Facebook and all of the guys gathered around so that they could look too. The first thing I saw was a video that Sherri posted and tagged Marci, Jessica, Jeff, and Emma in. They were at the apartment pool and Marci looked so damn cute in her bikini with her pregnant belly. "Never Be The Same" by Camila Cabello started playing and Marci, Jessica, and Emma were singing. Sherri was laughing and it was obvious that they didn't know she was recording them. "Its you babe, and I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe." The three of them all belted out and I couldn't help but to smile at how happy Marci looked. "Suddenly I'm a fiend and you're all I need." Marci sang and then all three of them jokingly ran their fingers under their noses like they were doing the sign for cocaine. Even as a recovering addict myself, I couldn't help but to laugh. I could hear Jeff laughing in the background before he spoke up. "I wouldn't joke like that, Mar." He laughed and she flipped him off. As soon as the song ended, the video cut off. "She seems like she's doing good." Brandon said and I nodded my head. "Yeah, our friends are awesome and always give her a lot of support." I explained. I scrolled through some status and things that she shared and then I got to a video that she posted and tagged Jeff and Emma in. "Jeff and Monty used to have a dance to this song 😂 Guess Savannah's taking her dads place right now lol. Ps peep mad Emma at end hahaha"  Was the title so I couldn't help myself from clicking on it. "Who's Savannah?" One of the new guys asked. "My daughter." I mumbled before pressing play on the video. They were in our living room at the apartment and they had the coffee table moved out of the way and Jeff and Savannah were standing in the middle. Marci was sitting back on the couch having a giggling fit. "Come out and Play" by the Offspring was playing and I laughed to myself as memories flooded through my mind of Jeff and me coming up with an entire lame ass dance to this song whenever we were like 15. He actually remembered every step to the dance and was doing it with an amused expression on his face. "You've gotta use more enthusiasm than that!" Marci giggled while yelling at Jeff, he rolled his eyes before putting a cheesy fake smile on his face. I laughed because I knew good and well that they were listening to music and the song happened to come on and she forced him to do the dance. Savannah was wobbling all around next to him and doing little baby dances. My face lit up at the sight. Jeff grabbed her little hands and started dancing with her and I was so thankful that she had such a good and loving uncle, even if it wasn't through blood. They kept on dancing until I could hear a door swing open in the back ground and Marci whispered "oh shit" under hear breath while laughing. Jeff immediately paused his actions and it was obvious he was holding back laughter. "What the fuck assholes, Dallas is sleeping!" Emma yelled and Marci started hysterically laughing which just made Emma even more mad. "I'll keep that in mind next time your child is trying to sleep!" Emma yelled before spinning around and storming off and then slamming her bedroom door shut as hard as she could. "News flash, my child will sleep through anything!" Marci yelled back while still hysterically laughing and then she put the camera back on Jeff and he busted out laughing too. "Someone's pissed." Marci laughed in a sing song voice before laughing one more time and then cutting off the video. "Do your baby mamas bicker like that all the time?" Brandon asked while laughing and I nodded my head with wide eyes. "All the fucking time." I laughed and they all joined in. "You've got such a weird situation, dude." Jason chuckled and I laughed out an "I know". I kept going through the phone and then suddenly got an idea. "Does this thing have texting?" I asked and Jason nodded his head. I smirked to myself and then pulled up the camera before holding it out. All of the guys caught my drift and they all got next to me and we took a goofy group jail picture. I had Marci's number memorized so I sent it to her and then sat the phone down so that we could go back to playing our game. A few minutes later, the phones text tone went off so I picked it up and looked. I opened up the text and it was a group selfie of Marci and all of my friends at dinner. Another picture came in and it was both of my kids sitting next to each other and smiling at the restaurant they were all eating dinner at. I smiled and showed the guys my kids'. I loved showing my cute little spawns off. The phone went off again and we all laughed before I picked up the phone and pressed play on the video that they sent me. "What's up, man! I took Marci's phone." Jeff said before laughing, seperating his sentence. He was standing up and holding the camera out so that it would show him and everyone else sitting at the table behind him. "So, I'm gonna be honest unlike my little princess here and Jess." He said with a smirk and they both playfully glared at him. My heart started to race, wondering what he was talking about. "Jessica got the envelope with the baby gender in it weeks ago and was supposed to keep it a secret but she accidentally left it out earlier and Mar here decided that she deserved to know before the rest of us." He laughed again. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I knew there was no way she was going to be able to wait. She couldn't do it with Savannah so why would she be able to do it now? All of the guys' were just as enthralled with the video as I was. "Marci decided that she was just gonna do a reveal for you whenever you got home since she slipped up and told all of us earlier but now I just got the wonderful idea to tell you now..." he smiled and then looked back at everyone. I sat up in my seat with excitement. I was about to find out what my next baby is. "We got some help from the bartender and she brought us all drinks with the color in it.... we just have them hidden from your view right now." He explained whenever he looked back to the camera. "Okay, is everyone ready?" He asked while looking at them and they all nodded their heads with smiles. "It's a..." Jeff yelled before running and standing next to Marci. My heart was beating even faster now. "GIRLLLLL!" They all yelled out while pulling their bright pink drinks out from their laps and waving them in front of the camera. "Congratulations, big guy. I get another niece." Jeff said with a smile and then pointed the camera on to Marci. "Surprise! Love you." She smiled. He panned the camera across everyone else and they all yelled out "love you's" before Jeff cut the camera off. I was having another daughter. I loved my son but there was something so special to me about having little girls. I couldn't wipe the grin off of my face and all of the guys congratulated me. They even gave me a pack of cigarettes as a congratulations. Now I was even more excited to get home so that I could thank my girl for giving me another beautiful daughter. Even jail couldn't bring me down from this happiness.

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