Together we can get through anything.

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                                                                           NEW CHARACTER!

                                                                                     Alexis Ren

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                                                                                     Alexis Ren


                                       Emma Brown aka The girl that Monty slept with at the party.

The story continues now...

I pulled into school on Tuesday and parked my Jeep Wrangler in the closest spot to the school that I could find. I looked over and saw that I hard parked next to another jeep and laughed to myself whenever I realized that it was Monty's. I skipped yesterday because I ended up going to the doctor to get confirmation that I am indeed pregnant. 6 weeks and 3 days along to be exact. It was actually pretty cool to find out the size of my baby at this point and to learn about all of the changes, no matter how bad they sound, that my body is going to go through. I thankfully also found out that my morning sickness should subside within the next few weeks. To say that I was happy about that would be an understatement. Montgomery and I hadn't seen each other since our little meeting at Monet's on Saturday, not that he hasn't tried. I just decided that I'm going to play a little hard to get for awhile. Jess, Sherri, and Hannah agreed that that would be a good idea. It's not even that I'm trying to play hard to get, it's mainly the fact that I'm afraid to let myself get too close to him because even though his apology was so sincere, I'm just really having a hard time trusting him and moving on from everything that he's done over the past few weeks. I even told my mom whenever she got back from her business trip late last night and to my surprise, she was so supportive. Of course she's dissapointed but she understood that the damage is already done and that the last thing I need right now is her coming down on me. By the end of our conversation she was even able to make jokes and admit that she hopes the baby has Montgomery's skin tone. Secretly, I hope so too. Hannah seems to be doing much better than expected after her little encounter with Bryce. She's stronger than I am, she's even able to be around him to some extent, just to make sure that no one starts to question what's going on with her. She is truly the strongest person that I know and I'm so lucky to have her as one of my very best friends.

I walked into the school and towards my locker. I emptied my unneeded books inside and closed it. I was about to head towards the gym to drop off my cheer practice stuff whenever I saw my group of friends talking in the hallway. What specifically caught my eye was that the blonde girl who Monty slept with at the party was also standing there talking to everyone. My girls were even laughing at something that she had said and Monty was smiling at her. Who the fuck was this girl? Before I could even talk myself out of it, my stupid hormones took control and I went marching straight over to them. Thank God I wasn't feeling sick today so I had made myself look presentable. Oh, who are we kidding? I had made sure I looked hot today since I hadn't seen Montgomery since our talk. "Good morning everyone!" I said way too cheery with a giant, fake smile plastered on my face. "Mar, are you okay? You're about to crack your teeth with that smile." Jessica said while everyone was laughing, including her. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that the blonde girl was laughing along with my friends. Who the hell did she think she was? She wasn't my friend. She doesn't get to laugh at my odd behaviors like everyone else. I turned my attention directly towards her and I could see Monty tense up and start scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit that he has. I could feel all of my friends eyes on me. In that second I decided that instead of making myself seem like a psycho, territorial, baby mama; I was going to make myself seem friendly and laid back. I smiled but not as cheesy as before and extended my hand to her. "Hi, I'm Marci Whitmore." "What the fuck kind of alternate universe are we living in right now?" Bryce laughed out. I wanted to puke and punch him in the face at the same time for even speaking but I knew that Hannah wanted us, including Jess and Sherri since we had clued them in, to continue acting as if nothing happened. "I think Marci is just being mature... isn't that right, Mar?" Jessica asked me with a stern look on her face. She knew exactly what I was doing and I could tell that she was silently asking me to please not get into a fight because she would have to handle it instead, given my current condition. "Absolutely. We've just never met so I thought that I would introduce myself since it seems like you might be around some now." I said directly to the mystery girl. Still with the fake ass smile on my face. She returned the smile and took my still extended hand into hers. "I'm Emma Brown. I've only been here for a couple of weeks but I know who you are. You're head cheerleader, extremely well known, and I'm pretty sure you're having his baby, right?" She took her hand out of mine and placed it on Monty's chest. I stared at her hand placement for a second before replying. "Right. I'm also pretty sure that you fucked him at Bryce's party on Friday. I don't have to ask you if that's true or not though because I saw with my own two eyes. See ya around!" Before she even had a chance to respond I spun around on my heels and headed down the hallway toward the gym. I could hear Justin, Zach, and Bryce laughing and saying "oh shit, Monty, two hot girls fighting over you?" Right as I rounded the corner and started to open the gym doors I felt a tug on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jessica, Hannah, and Sherri. "Ya'll didn't need to stay back and talk to your new best friend?" I spat at them. It had really hurt my feelings that my best friends were standing there talking to the girl who had sex with the father of my child just a couple of days before. "Oh, come on, Marcie. We were just trying to do the right thing and not cause drama. She's really not that bad and I don't think she even knew there was anything going on between ya'll whenever she slept with him." Sherri said. "Don't sugar coat it, Sherri. I'm going to be honest with her. Marci, there is nothing going on between you and Monty, ya'll agreed on that. You are friends who just happened to have gotten pregnant together. If he wants to sleep with that girl, then he can. If he decides he wants to date her, then he can. If in the end he decides to be with you, then he can. You don't own him just because he got you pregnant." My mouth fell open at her words and tears started to form in my eyes. I couldn't believe my best friend had just said that to me. Before I could even say anything back to her the bell rang, signalling it was time to go to first period. I didn't even bother dropping my cheer bag off and just took off down the hallway without a second glance in their direction.

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