Back stories (Marci and Monty)

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A/N: This chapter will be the back story of Marci and Monty. If it's liked, every few chapters I'll do a back story for a different character involved in Marci's life! Also, Jessica and Alex were never new, only Hannah.

Back story for Monty...

montgomerydlc: I never thought I would be able to have a girl as a best friend but she proved me wrong!

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montgomerydlc: I never thought I would be able to have a girl as a best friend but she proved me wrong!

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Whenever I met Monty we were 12 years old. His family had just moved to town but he didn't let the "new kid" thing throw him off. He got into a fight his first day of school and after that, he acted like he ran our middle school. Every one let him too, mainly because they were scared after they saw what he was capable of. The first two months after I met him, I hated him. Some how, he managed to worm his way into my life and I eventually warmed up to the idea of him being around. He was nice to Jess and Sherri but he opened up to me in a completely different way and allowed himself to let his walls crumble around me. He told me secrets, I knew his family well, we hung out alone and even though he would jokingly make sexual comments to me he never made a move. He was a really good friend to me and as the years passed, other than Jeff I considered him my best guy friend. I never saw him as anything more than a friend until my sixteenth birthday right before our sophomore year. We all went to the beach for the day and he had increasingly buffed up through out the summer. I had noticed earlier on but that day in particular I couldn't help but to stare. "You see something you like, Mar?" He smirked at me every time he would catch me. "Don't let your new abs go to your head, I'm still too good for you." I would laugh back every time. I tried to control myself but I was practically drooling over him. I always knew he was good looking but the whole summer, it was like I was starting to finally notice how good looking he actually was. I didn't know what my problem was but I knew that I needed it to stop. I knew something was wrong whenever I felt upset whenever I saw him refer to me as his best friend on Instagram. I started to become obsessed with the thought of whether or not he found me attractive or not. Was I better than the laundry list of girls he fucked? Would he ever consider being with me? Was I his type? Had he ever noticed me in any way other than a friend? And the most important question, did I have feelings for Montgomery De La Cruz?

"Admit it, Mar. You're obsessed with Monty all of a sudden." Jessica said to me while we were getting ready to go to Bryce's last party of the summer. "No, she's not obsessed. She's in love with him." Sherri added in, smiling. "I don't believe in love, ya'll know that." I mumbled. It was true. My bitter mother had taught me from a young age that men aren't to be trusted and that love does nothing but make you weak and ends up getting you hurt in the end. Whenever I thought of Montgomery though, I felt a flutter in my belly and this pure feeling in my heart. I thought of him all the time and he made me smile more than anyone else. He protected me when needed and was truly good to me. I also felt the pain of seething jealousy anytime I saw him with another girl. Was it possible that I was breaking my own rule of never falling in love and with Monty of all people? I constantly tried to shake the thought of him out of my head but I couldn't do it. His eyes, his smile, his cute little dimples, his perfect hair; was all ingrained into my mind. His laugh, his voice, even his growl whenever he was mad was constantly ringing through out my ears. His naturally tanned skin, his abs, his newly large biceps, the way he towered over me, and even his cocky swagger made me feel a way I had never felt before. "I'm in love with Montgomery De La Cruz." I whined to my two best friends after a minute of thinking to myself. They both startled giggling uncontrollably and I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at them. I didn't want this, I had never wanted this. "You have to tell him tonight!" Sherri said while shaking me. "No, I'm good. He doesn't feel the same way." I responded before grabbing my purse to head out for the party. They both looked at each other and started laughing. "You're so blind, Marci. He's been in love with you since the day he laid his eyes on you. Trust me." Jess chuckled while shoving me out of the door. It was going to be an interesting night for sure.

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