Daddy De La Cruz

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"I can't.." "I don't know how..." "He won't even look at me..." I was gasping out between sobs. All three of my friends immediately dropped to the ground next to me trying to calm me down. "Shhh, you need to calm down. You're getting yourself too worked up." Hannah told me soothingly while playing with my hair. I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "He's going to hate me even more then he already does." I whispered. "You're crazy if you think Monty hates you. I think the reason he's been so distant is because he's scared that he has real feelings for you and he's never felt that with any other girl." "Sherri, if he's too scared to have anything to do with me just because he has feelings for me, then how the hell do you think he's gonna act when he finds out he knocked me up?" I said ruder then I intended on.  Jessica nodded. She knew that I was right. "She'a right, Sherri. It's Monty we're talking about here. He's gonna completely flip his shit." Jess said as I laid my head on her shoulder. "Well, he can flip his shit all he wants, it doesn't change the fact that the damage is done. He needs to man up and take responsibility for his actions. It wasn't just Marci that landed them in this situation. It takes two to tango." For a second, Sherri sounded completely out of character until she ended it with "it takes two to tango". Her saying that goofy saying was enough to get me to laugh. Even if it was just a small chuckle, it was definitely better than sobbing and dry heaving like I was doing just a short time before. "You know what guys? I can't cry about this. I got my little crying session out. Now it's time for me to move forward and handle this maturely." I looked around the room. "First things first, when and how should I tell Monty? Or should I even tell him at all...." My voice drifted off at the end. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I knew that it would be wrong of me not to tell him. Even if he chose to not have anything to do with me or our child, he still has the right to know. "You have to tell him, Mar." Hannah said while looking at me like I had just grown another head. "Yeah, I know. It was just a quick thought that I had. I only had it for like, a second." I said trying to defend myself for even for a second thinking that I could get away with never telling Montgomery. "I say you just text him right now saying that y'all really need to talk. If he leaves you on read like he's been doing, just text it to him." Jessica said shrugging. Her idea didn't sound half bad. "You don't think she should tell him in person?" Hannah asked as she got up and started working on her makeup. "She won't have the chance to probably. He won't get anywhere near her. She would practically have to stalk him to get him alone so they could talk and she would have to chase him every two seconds on top of that." I couldn't help but to laugh because Sherri was so right. I imagined myself standing behind trees and chasing him through the school court yard while students stared. Or me climbing through his bedroom window at night after I knew he had fallen asleep. I think Jess, Hannah, and Sherri all had similar thoughts to my own because they all started laughing too. "I think I'm just gonna go with Jess's idea and give texting him a shot. Even if he leaves me on read, at least I'll know that I did the right thing and he knows." I walked over to my phone, picked it up, and unlocked it. Completely prepared to text him. "You're gonna do it now? Before the party? He might be drunk already. He's been at Bryce's for awhile helping set up so I'm sure they've been pre gaming, as usual." Sherri said as she applied her final coat of lip gloss. "That's the point. He's typically a more cheerful person whenever he's been drinking." What I said was surprisingly true. For some reason as Monty passed the stage of being buzzed and entered the stage of being drunk, his temper greatly mellowed. Once he was going from full on drunk to belligerent though, that's when you really had to watch out. I just hoped I was gonna catch him at the right time. "I think I'm just gonna do my makeup real quick so that we can leave here soon. I'll text him as soon as I'm done." I said realizing that the party was starting any minute. "Good because we're all waiting on your pregnant ass so we can leave." Jessica said smirking. I started laughing and threw some lipstick at her. I knew she was joking and it actually felt good to be able to joke and be light hearted about the whole situation. Only Jess could do that for me. After a few minutes and some much needed concealer to cover the redness around my eyes from crying, some heavy mascara, a little blush,  and a touch of lip gloss, I was ready to head out. We all hopped in Jessica's car, me in the passenger seat and Hannah and Sherri in the back, and pulled out of the driveway. "It's time, Marci. You've gotta text him." Jessica said looking over at me while driving. "I know, I know. I'm doing it now." I dug my phone out of my purse, unlocked it, and clicked on Monty's messages. "Here goes nothing..." I mumbled.

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