As long as I have her, I'll never give up.

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Monty's POV

I walked inside of the giant rehabilitation center, escorted by one of their leaders who picked me up from the jail. It had been eight days since I got to see Marci and two days since I'd got to hear her voice and it was eating me alive. I already missed her so much. I stayed in the hospital for 24 hours before they released me and I was transported to the maximum security jail. I stayed in that shit hole for a week and I was finally released two hours ago, just to be transferred to another shit hole. Marci had told me that my mugshot along with all of my charges was circulating all over social media and I was embarrassed to say the least. In all honesty, this place was pretty nice but anywhere that didn't have my girl and kids there was a shit hole to me. I had been able to call Marci every night and talk to her for a few minutes but the past two nights, she didn't answer and my heart ached at the thought that maybe it was on purpose and she didn't wanna talk to me or be with me anymore. I couldn't blame her if that was true. I mean, look at the shit I'd done. Got involved in an illegal fight club, got hooked up with the wrong crew, became a drug addict and an alcoholic, got arrested, and now had to do jail time and a month of rehab and then after that classes, probation, and community service.  I had brought my sweet tiny girl along for the ride too without even asking her if it was okay. I felt even worse about it now knowing that she was carrying my baby again. I hoped and prayed everyday that this pregnancy was going to stick and that she was going to be okay. I was knocked out of my thoughts whenever I heard someone talking to me. "Huh?" I mumbled, snapping back into reality. "I said welcome to SeaBreeze Rehabilitation Center. I'm Sarah, your team leader and a former addict myself. This is the check in desk and we'll just have to go through your things and ask you a few questions." She said with a cheery smile on her face. I nodded and grumbled and "okay" before placing my bag that my mom had packed and dropped of at the jail for me on the desk. They began rummaging through my things and I assumed it was standard procedure to check for any drugs and/or paraphernalia. They weren't gonna find anything in my bag though, my mom made sure of that. They pulled out my pictures and flipped through them, smiling. I didn't know my mom did that. "I haven't seen those... could I... um, could I look at them real quick?" I nervously rambled while scratching the back of my neck. Sarah politely handed them over, still with that cheerful smile on her face. I flipped through them and couldn't help but to smile myself. There was a picture of Marci, a picture of the two of us together, a picture of Savannah, a picture of Dallas, a picture of my two kids together, a picture of my parents, a group picture of Marci, all of our friends, and myself, and lastly a picture I had never seen before that caused a bright smile to form on my face. An ultrasound dated the day before. Marci went to her first appointment and everything looked great obviously. I gently rubbed my thumb over the picture and then placed it back with the others, laying them on the counter. "How many kids do you have?" "Two and one on the way.... I know I'm really young but I love being a dad." I explained to Sarah and the man behind the desk. Sarah nodded and then spoke up herself. "By the time I was your age, I had four. I was bad on drugs for years and kept having kids, by different guys at that. I didn't become a good mom to my kids until two years ago." She explained and I nodded. Feeling less embarrassed by the fact that I was going to have my third baby by 19. I loved my kids and I wouldn't trade them for the world but everyone knew that I shouldn't have had that many kids so young. It could be slightly embarrassing sometimes, no matter how much they filled my heart. "My oldest and the one on the way are by the same girl... Marci... my fiancé. My middle one has a different mom... Emma... because I got her pregnant while Marci and I were on a break." I told her. I felt like I should tell her that since she'd been so open with me. She nodded her head in understanding before carefully placing the pictures back in my bag, on top of all of my clothes, and zipping it up. She let me know that everything checked out and now I just had to answer some questions for their records. I nodded my head for them to get started. The first set of questions were your typical questions. My full name, age, birthday, insurance provider, address, emergency contact, etc. The second set of questions started to get more personal. "Our records show that this is court mandated... what were you arrested for?" Sarah asked while looking up from her paperwork. "Um... I was in a fight club that got raided.... two battery charges, two assault charges, four possession charges, two possession with intent to distribute charges, and one money laundering charge." I said while sinking into myself. I sounded like a terrible person and I really wasn't, just got caught up with the wrong crowd doing the wrong things. She nodded and quickly scribbled the information down onto the paperwork. "And what all did the courts order you to do?" "Seven days in the county jail, thirty days of rehab here, probation, anger management classes, and some community service." I mumbled, causing her to write on her paperwork again. "What was your drug or drugs of choice?" She asked while looking up and meeting my eyes. I shouldn't have been embarrassed with her because she told me herself that she was a former addict but I was just too ashamed with myself to not be embarrassed, no matter who I was talking to. "Um... alcohol of any kind, marijuana, steroids, cocaine, adderal, xanax, pain pills of any kind, and... uh.... um....heroin." I mumbled, getting even quieter towards the end. "Which ones were daily usages?" "All of them..." I whispered while looking down, hating myself. "Hey, look at me." She said, giving me no other choice but to look up and make eye contact. "You don't need to be embarrassed with us, okay? We've all been there, we're all fighting our own demons every day. We are here to provide help and support for one another." I couldn't help but to crack a small smile at her because she sounded so sincere. She reminded me a lot of an older version of Marci and that helped. "You seem like a strong young man and it sounds like you've got a lot of reasons to push through this and to get and stay clean. So, let's do it, yeah?" She stated, never breaking contact. I nodded my head but sighed. "There's something wrong with me. I'm so fucked up in the head." I confessed. "Aren't we all a little fucked up in the head?" She asked with a small chuckle. I responded with a laugh and a small nod of my head. Maybe it wouldn't be as awful here as I thought. 

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