When the one you love loves someone else.

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I stared at myself in the mirror after using the bathroom. It was the end of the second day and I still looked terrible. My injuries were worse than expected and it was a constant reminder of what happened to me. What he did to me. I had two black eyes, one noticeably worse than the other, my nose was swollen but luckily not broken, my lip was completely busted and required stitches, I also had stitches under my right eye, and my cheeks were swollen from all of the cuts on the inside of my mouth. I ran my fingers over the black hand shaped bruises on my neck. It was tender to the touch and he had chocked me so hard it caused internal damage so my throat ached and every time I talked it came out in a whisper or a croak. I moved my fingers down my arms and saw all the deep purple finger print and hand print bruises on my upper arms and around my wrists, my left wrist was wrapped up from being sprained and so were two of my fingers on the same hand. I was just in a sports bra and sleeping shorts so I was able to fully see the horrible damage and swelling done to my rib cage on the left side. Two of my ribs were cracked and that was what was causing me the most pain. I worked my way down to my hips and started to tear up whenever I saw the bruises from how hard he grabbed them to steady me in place. There were more hand print bruises on my upper thighs and I brushed my fingers across those too. I looked down at myself standing on one foot and saw the purple on my toes showing from under my foot being wrapped up, my left ankle had even somehow been sprained during the struggle. I brought my hand back up to the back of my head and felt the stitches from where he busted my head open on the tile floor, I moved my fingers to the left a little and felt the scar from whenever he busted my head open on the side of the hot tub whenever I tried to save Hannah. I let out a sob at the thought. My sweet best friend was struggling right now. Once I came foreword, she decided to too. She had finally had to come to terms with what happened to her and she wasn't taking it well at all. Even though a year had passed since Bryce raped Hannah, it all felt fresh for her again. She had kept herself locked away in her room, not talking to anyone, ever since she made her statement and pressed charges. Bryce was in jail and didn't receive bail. His court date was in two weeks and everyone involved was required to testify. Everyone struggled to believe that Liberty Highs golden boy was capable of receiving two rape charges and a battery charge. Hannah and I didn't struggle to believe because we were at the receiving end. I grabbed all of my pills prescribed to me at the hospital and took all three. An anxiety pill, a sleeping pill, and my ultimate favorite; a high dose pain pill. I knew sleep would find me within the next hour and I couldn't wait. Savannah was already down for the night but I desperately needed to look at my little girls face so I wiped my tears away and hobbled out of the bathroom and towards her room. I groaned and winced the whole way but no one was at home to help me. Annie picked up a night shift at the hospital since she's a nurse and Monty left after tucking Savannah in to go to dinner with Emma's family to try to make amends. They didn't take the news well at all and they were threatening to kick her out. The best part of that is that Annie being the kind hearted woman that she is, offered to let Emma move in with all of us. It wasn't Annie's fault that I was home alone, especially when I wasn't supposed to be, she had no idea that Monty was going to run off to be with his new trophy. I shook my head at the thought. I still couldn't believe that after everything that happened, he was still doing this. I quietly entered Savannah's room and smiled whenever I saw her sweet face. She was sleeping so peacefully without a worry in the world. I didn't know how I got blessed with such a perfect daughter. She had Monty's dark hair and my blue eyes, it was the perfect contrast. Her skin tone was also changing to be darker like his and I chuckled a little, remembering my mom saying that she hoped that would happen whenever I told her I was pregnant. I missed by mom but things were better off with her gone. Annie was more of a real mother to me than my own ever was. She had only called for a few minutes after finding out what happened to me and I hadn't heard from her since. Looking at my daughter made me wonder how you could ever leave your child the way that my mom left me. I stopped myself from getting too emotional and gently petted Savannah's hair and adjusted her blanket. She smiled and cooed a little in her sleep and I silently wished that Monty had seen that too. "I wonder if you're gonna have a little brother or sister." I whispered to my sleeping daughter. As unhappy as I was about the situation, I did hope that Savannah would be close with her sibling and have a life long best friend. "I think it's all this drama going on causing this, but I think I want another one of you." I whispered to her again. Clearly I was going crazy. How could I already want another baby whenever my baby was still exactly that...a baby. I took a painful deep breath in and then rubbed my fingers over my c section scar. For a second, I could picture myself pregnant again. This time happy and drama free, having a little boy. I imagined him looking just like me instead of looking like Monty's twin like Savannah does. I smacked my head to make the insane thoughts go away and immediately felt a splitting pain, forgetting that I had head injuries. I winced and then shook it off. I quickly took a picture of Savannah sleeping before telling her I love her and quietly exiting her room and heading back to mine. I needed to sleep these baby thoughts away.

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