Authors Note 2

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Okay... so any of us who've watched season two know that Monty turned out to be an absolutely horrible person and the complex character that we were hoping for isn't there. The writers took a completely different turn than what us Monty fans were hoping for. But... I'm pretty deep into my stories (One Time, A Beneficial Friendship, and He Was A Stranger) and I have created an entirely different Montgomery than who he is on the show. So with that being said, I'd like to keep writing for MY personal Monty that I created... would y'all still be interested in reading? I've seen on a lot of different websites that people are now done with him and have no interest in reading imagines about him, being a fan, etc. Which I understand but my Monty is completely different and I'd really like to keep going with my stories and progressing his character the way that I intended on doing so. There's no point in me continuing to write my stories though if no one is going to read. So everyone, please let me know if you'd be interested in continuing to read my books! Thanks guys 😘

One Time [Montgomery De La Cruz x OC]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt